Spiritual Confidence

Confidence is a state of mind with good knowledge, positive thinking, practice and training so that the person develops a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities and judgment.

Confidence gets improved with good health, boldness of body and mind (self esteem), efficiency and belief in own experience (skill).

Thus confidence stresses faith in oneself and one’s power without suggestion of conceit or arrogance.

The chosen course of action is the best and most effective; even if a person possesses good physical strength, treasure of wealth with recognition among prominent personalities.

But sometimes the task of self confidence fails to provide the desired success. Confidence also conveys the qualities of Self-assurance, Self-reliance, Self-possession, Self-composure, Self-empowerment and Poised mind.

Thoughts and Attempts to improve Confidence:

  • Adaptation of positive attitude and life style is the most beneficial; work with honesty and courage; try to understand the aspects of your strength and weakness.
    Be cheerful and smiling and try to learn and follow virtuous outlook of welfare.
  • Make attempts to gain knowledge and skill; learn to work with new information’s, system and procedure. Learning helps to handle new situations and adopt innovative concepts.
  • Analyze your weaknesses and mistakes time to time. Try to resolve the problems and never repeat the mistakes.
    The solution may take some time to when you are learning a new skill. Eliminate surrender to your mistakes.
  • Self control and command on your own power is essential because Mind is the architect and director of every thought and action. One should exert full command over mind which is directed to perform willful and prominent activities.
    Therefore, strengthen the Soul through regular meditation on Spiritual Master so as to regulate mind.
  • Avoid fear and nervousness. Sensitivity and confidence are interdependent.
  • Face challenging situations with great aplomb.
    Take self care in your health through nutritious vegetarian diet, regular exercise and proper rest.
  • Self-reliance involves introspection to revive and activate latent qualities and capacities. Follow the concept, “I can do, I have prominent qualities and I shall definitely acquire success.”Confidence once attained can be sustained for whole life.
  • Strong determination even in weak persons can overpower a tough opponent through strong willpower and proper planning.
  • Concentrate on proper procedure of the task to acquire true objectives and destination. Start with small achievable goals with steady and time bound steps.
  • Decide your destination and then pursue your objectives with strength and intelligence.
  • The person belonging to any occupation or profession should try to excel both in the quantum and quality of production.
  • Earn with self toil, spend less than total income, thus save something for rainy days for future prospects, progress and social cause.
  • Seek motivation from spiritual guide, good literature, teachers and other persons prominent in particular fields.

Reasons for Low Confidence:

  • Lack of knowledge due to poor concept of learning.
  • Conditions of continued failures in certain tasks.
  • Insecurity kills more dreams than failures.
  • Being with persons already in successful status.
  • Criticism through relatives, friends or even unknown persons.
  • More impact on negative thinking.
  • Poor time management.
  • Development of ego and arrogance.
  • Lack of coordination with co-workers.
  • Loss of more time when one is learning a new skill.
  • When you doubt your powers, you give power to your doubts.
  • Ego, arrogance, hatred, exploitation and superstitions weaken consciousness.
  • Sometimes over-confidence or presumptiveness becomes excessive belief in one’s capacity which creates many problems.

Benefits of Self-empowerment:

  1. Develops qualities and strength to take risk so as to achieve personal and professional goals.
  2. Think positive about future progress and prosperity.
  3. Conquer fear because positive actions bread confidence and courage.
  4. Develop confidence that you are brave than you believe, stronger than you seem and smatter than you think. No one can make you inferior without your consent.
  5. Self esteem makes you most inspiring, thought provoking and develops uplifting thoughts.
  6. Persons with self-reliance can make changes as they see fit.
  7. Confident persons acquire good sensitivity, understanding, compassion, gentleness and deep loving concern in their life which provides appreciation in the society.
  8. Ones we believe in our qualities we can enrich our curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience to reveal our strong spirit. We come to know what we know and thus can steer ourselves in any direction of our choice.
  9. Self confidence motivates fun, internal delight and regular smile when we can perform amazing actions.
  10. It is self fulfilling prophecy that helps to acquire innate ability for success with choice and desire.
  11. Create self belief to act in a proper, righteous, accurate and effective manner.

Spiritual Confidence:

Our soul is celestial, spiritual and immortal entity and divine source of energy. It is linked with inspiration, emotions, passion, fervor, enthusiasm, eagerness, vitality, commitment and other favorable aspects.

Spiritual assurance can be achieved when the person discards struggle or fight against anyone else action The esteemed qualities inspire the noble soul to transform our lives from inside out.

This confidence strengthens the very objectives and purpose of life through truth, delight and sincerity. It can be acquired with the bliss of regular meditation and its reflections through spiritual goals. Meditation increases the power of thinking, concentration and confidence.
It is the highest gift and blessings that comes only from deepest insight into the true nature of things. Introspect yourself about changes in life.

You may fail to resolve the problems with same thinking. Our awareness becomes more subtle when we understand the nature of consciousness

Better advantages of Spiritual Confidence:

  • Become capable to develop good habits, strong character, amiable behavior and virtuous qualities of humanity.
  • Achieve capabilities to perform certain tasks beyond expectations.
  • Start avoiding temptations and selfish motives.
  • Accept love and regards for everyone in the family.
  • Start taking responsibilities for own well being.
  • Do beneficial tasks for someone you do not know. Acknowledge that you cannot love God without also loving His creation.
  • The absolute conviction prevents external doubts and brings freedom of human soul. The blessing of spiritual guide helps to express the libration, joy and fearlessness. He is capable to link us with ultimate truth and self recognition, fill the heart with love because it is un-shakable, un-moving and in-destructible. These virtuous concepts compel the human beings to evolve from their own deepest depth to become the refined human beings of the world.
  • Our mind acquires calmness and we become submitted to the Divine Lord. We admire upon the blessings of our savior.
  • The soul gets rewarded and blessed with peace. It bestows will-power and emancipation to prepare for salvation. Thus we become assured to extend voluntary service for other human beings without any desire or personal benefits.Acquire virtuous qualities of humility, contentment, universal brotherhood, and respect for all religions, tolerance and innovative spirit.Do not only live as a person but as a distinguished personality through supreme principles of humanity. The success is favorable or prosperous accomplishment of one’s goal. It may involve attainment of wealth, position, honor and fame. Confidence is the basis of all achievements at every level. It nourishes our personality to deal with every personal and professional goal in our life. Thus it bestows many positives results progress and prosperity.

Dr. Triloki Nath Chugh Insan, Co-ordinator, Shah Satnam Ji Educational Institutions, Dera Sacha Suada, Sirsa.


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