Push Exam Fever Away, Manage Yourself For The Studies
Among the many fears, the examination-fear is the oldest one. Students start fearing even by hearing the name of the exams. This is not right.
If we remain managed, examination is not a ghost. You...
Financial Resolutions: Planning Your Finances for the New Year
Financial Resolutions: Planning Your Finances for the New Year
Introduction: As the calendar turns the page to a new year, it's an opportune time to reflect on your financial journey and set meaningful resolutions to...
The Importance of Multicultural Education
The Importance of Multicultural Education
Introduction: Multicultural education is an approach that acknowledges and incorporates the diverse cultural backgrounds of students into the educational process. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and appreciating cultural differences,...
Entrepreneurial Spotlight: Stories of Startup Success
Entrepreneurial Spotlight: Stories of Startup Success
Introduction: Creating a startup is frequently equivalent to launching a space ship. There's an explanation for why it's cliché. You have to gather a trained team, construct an aircraft...
Enactus MLNC: Empowering Communities Through Innovative Social Entrepreneurship
Enactus MLNC: Empowering Communities Through Innovative Social Entrepreneurship
Enactus, a global organization led by students, empowers young individuals to become social innovators and entrepreneurial leaders, guided by the principles of action, collaboration, and entrepreneurship. Enactus...
World of Robots
World of Robots
Introduction: When we heard the expression ‘robot’, we immediately envision a metallic structure with arms and legs that resemble humans and conduct jobs for us. However, in reality, it is only a...
Social Sciences as a Career Field
Social Sciences as a Career Field
Introduction: The social sciences encompass a wide range of disciplines that study human behavior, societal structures, and cultural dynamics. Fields such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science, economics, and...
Develop Winning Spirit | Steps to Cultivate Winning Attitude
Every person, belonging to any age, religion or caste has an earnest desire to seek the achievements of topmost level to command respect in the society.
Success is an excellent acquired quality of a person...
Bright Career in Catering
In the weddings, where customs were given priority, in the changing times, people have started paying special attention to every arrangement, from the welcome of the members of the marriage party to the decoration...
China’s Ambitious Plan to Launch an Artificial Moon
China's Ambitious Plan to Launch an Artificial Moon
Introduction: Have you ever wished for a brighter moonlit night? Well, China has taken this wish to a whole new level by announcing its plans to launch...