Virtuous Concepts of Humanity - Sachi Shiksha

Humanity is the excellent quality connected with moral compassion and respect for others, derived from gentle and passionate thoughts in mankind. It is related to saving lives and relieving sufferings, where ever needed, while ensuing regards for the individuals. Thus humanity has the essential ingredient of compassion, brotherly love, fellow feelings, kind hardheartedness, understanding, sympathy, tolerance, gentleness, mercy, lenience, pity, tenderness, charity, generosity, magnanimity and humaneness. The attributes of affection, mercy and tenderness are the breathers of humanity.

We need to live with eternal prospective, do as believer and working with wisdom. Without these qualities, humanity does not survive. The Latin word, ‘Humantas’ specifically suggests the ‘Human nature for kindness’. Humanity rises to every challenge and sinks to any depth but we must cherish every heartbeat.

Strength of Humanity

Believe that your day is not made, until you do some good for someone, without any expectation. Three noble qualities are considered encouraging, which provide enormous vigor and delight-Love, Kindness and public intellect. Love has different ranges varying from biological process to religious concepts. It is a mutual sensation among people characterized by attachment, comfort and general positive attitude. Strength of love is not about the capacity but being involved in loving relationships. Love purifies mind to sublimity and enlightenment that elevates the level of life.

The strength of kindness tends to increase the feelings of generosity, altruism and general desire to help the needy. Giving is more important than receiving; take care for grateful and ungrateful. The public intellect conveys to create good social relationships involved in human bonding, trust, persuasion, group membership and public affair. These characteristics help to develop high social values, respect towards people, humility and feeling of gratitude towards God. Thus pursuit of righteousness empowers the path to strength and glory.

Noble Aspects to Promote Humanitarian Traits

Being humane is very different from being human. All human beings are not humane. The provision for human assistance must be impartial and solemn, free from caste, creed, race, religion, province, political category and nationality. When the mankind is treated equally under different circumstances by saving lives and relieves sufferings, it ensures respect for all individuals. Replace hatred with love, envious nature with affection, anger with calmness, selfishness with sacrifice, fear with courage, greed with contentment, despair with hope and inertia with actions. If you keep faith in Divine Power, try to evoke spiritual grace.

Adapt honesty, truthfulness, universal brotherhood, amiable behavior, selfless voluntary service, righteous thoughts and destination, true regards for elders, sovereignty, patriotism, self confidence, share earnings with needy, justice, forgiveness, sweet conversation, vegetarian diet, regular prayers and meditation. Always abstain from evil concepts of criticism, falsehood, corruption, bribery, cheating, dowry, egoism, violence, intoxicants, hatred, superstitions, ostentations, back biting, ill-will, gambling, theft, pollution etc.

The positive attitude awakens energy, initiatives, inner strength and motivation. These must be supplemented with positive sentiments and actions. The will power to work positively acquires a climax if mind is stable, the objectives are noble for social benefits, the perception is positive, mood is pleasant and selfish desires are least.

Certain more constructive purviews can be

  • Develop righteous habits, strong character, amiable behavior and virtuous qualities of humanity.
  • Achieve capabilities to perform certain innovative tasks beyond expectations.
  • Avoid temptations and selfish motives.
  • Confirm responsibilities for improvements of nature and society.
  • Acknowledge that you can convey your reverence to Almighty God only on loving His creation. The absolute conviction brings freedom to human soul. The blessings of spiritual guide help to express liberation and joy. He is capable to link us with ultimate truth through self recognition so as to evolve from deepest depth to become the refined humane creation of the world.
  • Once, we relieve in our qualities, we can enrich our curiosity to reveal our strong spirit.
  • A true human being is very sacred and sanctified person, completely devoted to the spiritual master.

Genesis and Welfare of Humanity

Many governments, U. N. Agencies, Red Cross, social NGO, NPO and religious organizations participate in the magnificent, splendid and admirable tasks of social welfare with full devotion. The central and state governments in India have launched many projects to help the destitute, for instance, allocation of plots, free construction of home, house hold gas connections, free insurance policies, free pension to aged persons and educated unemployed, provide relief to farmers due to damage of crops, compensation to the families suffering injury or death due to natural calamities or accidents etc. The civil or social organizations try to establish educational institutions, play grounds, libraries, hospitals, guest houses (inns), and buildings for orphans, blinds, physically handicapped and aged persons.

These agencies should operate with respect to culture and customs; the humanitarian response should use more local resources; the sharing of beneficiaries should be encouraged; it shall be better if they are accountable to both donors and persons achieving benefits; the provision for assistance must be impartial. World ‘Humanitarian Day’ is observed on 19th August annually, dedicated to organizations involved in the virtuous concepts. Social affection and lenience of charity are praiseworthy humanitarian acts for voluntary help to the needy. It is the benevolent process of sharing the righteous concept unlimited passion.

Certain countries are rich in their natural resources, income and scientific progress, whereas, a few nations are still developing. Therefore, people of all nations should develop universal brotherhood and positive attitude for peace. They should never think or work against any caste, religion and country because human race is Divine creation anywhere and everywhere, interconnected with land, ocean, atmosphere, sun and moon etc. The administration of any country should never think of attack on any nation, rather it should always maintain positive relations, at least with neighboring nations.

Social Benefits

Compassion, love and kindness are necessities, not luxuries. You must not lose faith in humanity. Aristotle and Plato considered that courage, justice, temperance and generosity, friendliness, truthfulness, grandeur of appearance and greatness of soul to be the sole virtues, respectively. All of us, the great or little has need for each other.

A trouble shared is a trouble halved. The wisdom of charity helps to discard ego and arrogance. The most valued and sacred instants of our life are filled with spirit of warm affection and delight. The voluntary support through resourceful persons, when they give cheerfully and the recipient accepts gratefully, is benevolent goodwill and sense of generosity. It becomes a treasure of Divine boost during life and after life.

Humanity is Divine Bliss

We claim that Almighty Lord and soul are metaphysical, ontological, immortal and celestial powers of universe. There is only one God who has created all human beings in His own image. Thus the human race is the superb, subtle and supreme creation due to the graceful benevolence of God. He has bestowed unique qualities and multifarious duties to mankind for proper care, protection and progress of nature and living beings. He also relates to advanced state of humanity with great moral values and spiritual emancipation. The more a man advances towards Divine, the more enlightened he becomes, and more he understands the purpose and meaning of life.

Every beautiful soul is alive to justice, goodness, enthusiasm and devotion. The angels show itself rarely and with difficulty. A remarkable quote conveys,’ we are not human beings having a spiritual experience but we are spiritual beings having human experience. Individually we are like single drop, but together we are ocean.’ According to Mahatma Gandhi, ’Humanity is like an ocean, if a few drops of ocean are dirty, the complete ocean does not become dirty.’

The practice of religion generally includes commemoration of Divine bliss including meditation, sacrifices, public or social services and other aspects of human culture. Let us determine to lead our life with highest ethical purity because spiritual progress is not possible without moral concepts of humanity.

Dr. TRILOKI NATH CHUGH INSAN, Co-ordinator, Shah Satnam Ji Educational Institutions, Dera Sacha Sauda, SIRSA (Haryana, India).


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