Career in Linguistics - Sachi Shiksha

Language is man’s tool of expressing his thoughts. People exchange their expressions and thoughts with the help of pronounced sounds and gestures.

The revolution of information technology of 21st century has increased the importance of language science. The language science has got divided in various branches like sociolinguistics, biolinguistics, psycholinguistics and ethnolinguistics etc.

The expanding scope of language science has increased the scope of employment opportunities too. In all the countries of the world there can be seen three forms of language, 1. Dialects 2. Official language and 3. National language.

But India is unique and an amazing country as far as languages are concerned. There are nearly 600 dialects in trend in the country. On the concluding note of 20th century, techniques like machine translation and self- voice recognition softwares have played an important role.

If you wish to make a career in the field language then you have a wide variety these following options:


Interpreters are needed at national and international level. You can make career in the pair of Hindi – French – English or English – Germany and Hindi or in many other language pairs as well which you want to lern and master for use. Once you learn the art of an interpreter you can get recognition, identity and jobs both in India and abroad and you will also get the benefit of traveling to foreign lands.


In this era of globalization, attraction towards the foreign languages has increased. In such a case if you are a foreign language expert then you can make your own special place by teaching languages like Japanese, German, French or Chinese etc. which are much in demand these days.


The post of a translator is much in demand both in the country and abroad. If you know more than one language or you can learn them then you can qualify to become a translator in any institution. There are great possibilities for independent translators also which you can look for.

In the field of pronunciation and voice science

In its basic form language is pronunciation and voice only. Correct pronunciation is mandatory for exchange of thoughts. Correct pronunciation and voice science is very important from the perspective of teaching and spreading of knowledge and in developmental works.

Hence in this field as well, career can be made by you by developing specialization in this field. Jobs would be easily available in institutes teaching foreign languages to students.

Tourism industry

Currently tourism itself is an industry in the country. Hence to attract the national and international tourists to several tourist places, the language science has given a helping hand in terms of setting the guidelines. There are extensive opportunities available at both government and non – government level institutes in India.

Language scientists are needed to prepare dictionaries of different languages schools for hearing impaired. Language experts are needed to develop special language for the hearing impaired. In such institutions for special child, the language scientists are given preference. If you are a language scientist you too can qualify for the job with good career opportunities.

The design of language policy for developing the design of lingual scientists are needed at non-government level too.

Indian Archaeological Survey

The Archaeological Survey department conducts research surveys, mining and collects informations about important ancient Indian monuments, coins, statues, forts, scriptures, potteries, etc. Different languages are engraved over these objects.

The ancient languages used could be Prakrit, Pali or some other language as well. Not all people can decipher what is written on the monuments or other objects. There is a great demand of people who can read and understand the ancient scripts.

Computer Programmer

Language science has also been helpful in terms of making computer programmes. With its help the languages of the machine such as mobiles change. Computer can work in different languages like Hindi, English, Tamil, Kannada, Udiya, French or German Film and Doordarshan. In Doordarshan and in film industry lingual experts are needed in making of the programmes.


There is great contribution of language in the field of printing, audio and visual journalism. You can now make a career in this field of writing, reporting, editing etc.
Writing is the backbone of journalism. Writing, making corrections, doing editing work etc., need a lot of experience and grooming of the writer on the lingual part.

But if you can master this art, there will be a whole lot of career opportunities open for you in print media, electronic channels etc. in both private and government enterprises with very good salaries.

Top editors and anchors of television channels earn in lakhs of rupees.
Even a cub reporter can start earning a decent salary in a few years time. But to make a career in journalism you need to be good in languages and general knowledge.

You need a sharp mind and have to be bold. There are courses in mass communication conducted by both private and government institutions.

Some of them may charge a hefty fee. Others may set tough written and verbal tests for the aspirants. But the determined students can make a mark for themselves with hard work and labour.


Lingual treatment

As language scientist you can even work in the field of lingual treatment. This is a field filled with human serving and can give you a separate identity. But your skill will count a lot. So take care to develop your skill as best as possible and then only sky will be the limit for you.

Work of a tutor

You can make a sound career giving away tuitions in different subjects. No investment is required for job, but your teaching skill will come handy. You can advertise papers or distribute pamphlets in your own colony letting people know what subject you can teach. By keeping your rates a bit reasonable you can attract a fair number of students to your tuition classes.

Designing the text books

Several subject text books need help of lingual scientists for designing purpose. You too can apply to the institute for providing your service. You can expect a decent earning from this job. The best part of the job is that you can finish the work sitting at home and this will also save any expenses on the conveyance.


It is a very decent work. You can do a great job as a language advisor. There are great opportunities available in this field in the country.

You can make your career in linguistics obtaining degree in language at UG, PG and Ph.D level. Even otherwise there are job opportunities for an advisor in many other fields.

– Narendra Devangan

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