Agriculture 4th Farmers Fare on 24 -25 March, 2014

4th Farmers Fare on 24 -25 March, 2014

4th Farmers Fare on 24-25 March, 2014 Sachi Shiksha

Farmers Fare – Modern Agricultural Technique Festival

With the kind blessings and direction of His Holiness Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, 4th farmers festival was organized on 24-25 march, 2014 to propagate the new agricultural techniques developed by renowned scientists.

The fare was inaugurated by adorable Guru Ji through joining of ribbons. There after all the seventy eight stalls related to the agricultural products where gracefully examined by Guru Ji. Thousands of farmers from Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Utter Pradesh and other states visited the fare site (at Nohar-Bhadra road) to learn about latest agricultural products, equipments, techniques, pesticides, fertilizers etc.

The agricultural products, organic vegetables-fruits, herbal medicines, dairy products, the latest care taking techniques brought from different fields of Dera Sacha Sauda , the modern equipments and technologies develop by scientists from Haryana Agricultural University (H A U), P A U, different prominent manufacturing companies etc.
were the centers of attraction.

One of the stall entitled as conservation of old civilization exhibited the remarkably decorated antiques to elaborate the progressive attitude and status of our society in Punjab and Haryana. In addition to this, certain stalls related to old traditional games of farmers like catapult, shooting with glass pallets etc.

were the lovable centers of entertainments for the visitors. New types of competitions, stretch and pull among tractors of different companies, race among exotic pet dogs etc. created good passion and excitement. The species of grey hound dog dominated the show.

The students of Shah Satnam Ji Educational Institutions, presented cultural entertainment programs. A documentary film showing the present precarious state and the agricultural improvements brought by respected Guru Ji was highly appreciated the great center of attraction was the stage occupied by His Holiness which was decorated with modern forming equipments and the table given the shape of bullock cart.

All the exhibiting stalls were placed in graceful competition. Out of these, Samag Seeds secured top position and Organic Products of Dera Sacha Sauda fetched second position. The winners among the stalls of fruits, vegetables, medicinal plants, were also awarded with medals and trophies.

A distinguished person in the competition for wheat variety S-7 was honored with keys of motor-bike.

Wheat Variety S-7 The Center of Honor

This variety launched by Dera Sacha Sauda has won gold medal in the state of Haryana, and of great interest to the farmers because each corn has 150 to 170 grains. This corn is so large that it gives the imitation of maize corn.

Praise Worthy P-7 Formula for Vegetables Cultivation

Dr. S.K. Arora, a renowned scientist of Haryana Agriculture University Hisar explained a commendable formula of P-7 to the farmers for getting the best yield of Vegetable Cultivation.

The principles are given below.

Personal Contact

The farmers cultivating vegetables should establish contact for proper consultation with expert scientists to understand certain basic concepts like choosing the variety of seeds, seasonal variations etc.

Planting Time

Cultivation of vegetables during particular period and season. The crock grown out of season not only gives economic loss but also disturbs the confidence

Planting Material

Knowledge about good quality seed, techniques of sowing (open field, poly house, covering with wire net etc.) are important for encouraging results

Proper Spacing

The gap between plants, the distance in between one row and the other helps to provide proper growth, extension and yield.

Preparation of Land

Proper use of tilling through modern devices, organic manures etc. is beneficial. For example, if we wish to plant potato after the crop of carrot, we have to get deep ploughing of the field so as to remove all the deep roots. If we do not follow this practice for the next crop of the vegetables, it will be very damaging.

Plant Protection

Do not make indiscriminate use of fertilizers and pesticides (to avoid unnecessary expenditure). Please consult the expert scientists. Proper quality of chemicals can be beneficial to the crops but the excessive use of pesticides converts the vegetables to poison.


If the vegetables and fruits are properly maintained and sold in good quality packet, these can provide better price in the market.

Our reverend Guru Ji explained that the main objective of farmer’s festival has been to awaken and motivate them for the use of sophisticated techniques. Now-a-days, people consider the agriculture to be a worth less profession but it can provide good benefits if the farmers use proper and modern devices.

Adorable Guru Ji advised that un-reasonable excessive use of chemicals also damage the productivity of the soil because the farmers use these materials right from the period of sowing to harvesting. The underground water has become poisonous which compels us to use the grain, vegetables and fruits contaminated with harmful elements.

He also suggested to discard costly and chemical based farming and adopt to organic farming for which Dera Sacha Sauda will ensure marketing facilities.

In addition to this, the religious organization of Dera Sacha Sauda will establish medical college and many new industries to provide employment for youth. All the farmers are advised to cultivate medicinal plants instead of routine crops of cotton, paddy etc.

The seeds for remedial drug plants are available at subsidized rates. The marketing facilities and the income from these products are much better.

More so, you can save expenditure, if certain vegetable plants are grown in the open space at home.

You can also grow creepers of gourd, pumpkin, cucumber in open, certain vegetables under the trees of zizipus, myrobalan, so as to save expenditure at home. You have been provided different kinds of important information by the honorable scientists from many agricultural universities.
The farmers present in the festival raised certain questions from these scholars and they imparted clear answers to their queries.

Guru JI’s Elaboration About Music

Most respectable Guru Ji advised a strange and unusual experience to the farmers that the sweet melody of music system helps to increase crop production.

We play music in our fields of grains, vegetables and fruits. The music systems are tied up to certain trees. Nearby plants growing there show speedy and better growth.

As you get amused through sweet music while working in fields, such music also becomes beneficial for the crops. Guru Ji motivated the farmers to play music of religious songs while working with tractors or other equipments.

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