Surrender Everything to God
Often such moments come in human life when he is surrounded by problems from all sides. He does not find any way to get out of there. At that time when his conscience is unable to take any decision, then he should hand over everything to God and concentrate on his responsibilities and priorities. Apart from this, he is left with no other option. In fact, God takes the final decision about fame-disgrace, victory-defeat, sorrow-happiness, loss-profit, life-death etc. Man should always respect the decision of that Supreme Master with faith and bow his head in front of Him.
In this world, every person does not get everything as per his wish. While living in this world, some people praise him and on the other hand, some people criticize him. In both the situations, man benefits. One type of people, keep inspiring him in life and the other type of people bring about a change in his inner self. Unless a man himself wishes, any kind of praise or criticism does not make any difference to him. When his own mind becomes weak, then he starts getting hurt by everyone.
Let us look at a story. A pregnant deer was about to give birth to a child in the forest. She was wandering here and there in search of solitude. Meanwhile, she saw tall and dense grass on the river bank. She found that place suitable for giving birth to the child.
As soon as she reached there, she started having labour pains. At the same time, the sky was covered with thick clouds and lightning started flashing. It seemed as if the clouds would start raining any moment. She looked to her right and saw a hunter aiming an arrow at her. As soon as she turned to the right in fear, a hungry lion was sitting there, ready to pounce. There was dry grass in front which had caught fire. There was a lot of water in the river.
Now what could the helpless female deer do? She was in pain due to labour. What will happen to her and her cub now? Will she survive? Will she be able to give birth to her cub? Will the cub survive? Will the forest fire burn everything? Will the deer be able to escape the hunter’s arrow? Will the deer become food for the hungry lion? She is surrounded by fire on one side and river behind her, what will she do? All these questions were troubling her mind.
The deer surrendered herself to the will of God and focused on giving birth to the child. See the miracle of God! Lightning flashed and the hunter’s eyes were dazzled while shooting the arrow. His arrow passed by the deer and hit the lion’s eye. The lion started roaring and running here and there. The hunter ran away thinking that the lion was injured. Heavy rain started. It extinguished the forest fire. The deer gave birth to a cub. Then she thanked God who protected both her and her newborn cub.
This story teaches us that no matter how difficult the circumstances become, even if a man is surrounded by enemies or problems from all sides, he should use his discretion. He should not let go of his discretion. If the circumstances go out of his control, then he should not sit holding his head. Neither should he raise a hue and cry. He should have complete faith in the Lord and leave himself and all other sorrows and troubles to Him. He removes all the troubles in the blink of an eye and uplifts the man.
Man should be grateful to the Supreme Master in every situation. He is the only one who stays with him at every step without showing any favour. Man should dedicate all his actions to Him and become free from the desire for its result. This is the ultimate goal of human life.