To become a successful housewife, a lady has to perform so many duties and share responsibilities because she lives at home the whole day.
She has to make her home “Super”, but to make the home “Super” or to become a successful housewife, she needs the “cooperation of the family.” Like this, the working lady also needs the help of the family.
It is then only that she can go out of the home for 8 to 10 hours and after returning home can complete the household responsibilities.
If she does not get cooperation from the home, in a few days she will accept defeat and she will not be able to do justice either of the work. The business women have to be away from home till late hours, have to attend meetings and have to work with other male members. If that women does not get support from the home, how she can be successful.
For doing the business, one has to be mentally alert. If the lady has to roam about for household responsibilities, she will not be able to do the work attentively, with the result she will unsuccessful in the business also. There are some ladies, who do the business from home. That is also not bad. But they will be able to do justice to both the fronts, if they get full cooperation from their home.
A few days I got a chance to meet my old friend. On meeting her, I came to know that she has left the government job and helping her husband in his business. Out of anxiety, I asked if she does not repent for leaving the job. She said with shyness “Yes, to some extent”. After two three meetings, with the conversation, I gathered that she has a little more burden.
She cannot independently go out and not even to meet her parents. She cannot go to market if she wishes and to meet the local relatives.
After meeting her, an idea came in my mind that I should talk to some ladies who in addition to bear the household responsibilities, do business from home.
First of all I talked to Anitaji, who runs a boutique. On asking her she revealed that she is happy that because of her being at home, the kids are also cared well and some income is also generated. I asked about the secret of her happiness.
She said that her mother-in-law, husband and the children all care for her. “They help me in completing the household work,” she said. Husband brings the thread, BUKRAM, button and laces from Sadar Bazar, so that she has no need to get overburdened. The mother-in-law and father- in- law go to the relatives in their job and sorrow. They send her only when it is very necessary. There is no check to go to my parent’s house, she said. When the need arises my mother-in-law gives the delivery of the suits and also do booking.
At last when I again talked to Anijta ji, she said that as her in laws family is very big, so the work load was more.
I had to help my husband in his business also. My in laws did not feel good that I should take rest in the day time. She had to face some issues, that if you sleep the whole day, how the work will be completed? They used to forget that after all I am also a human being. It is difficult to adjust in a new big family.
I was not habitual of doing work in a big family. But slowly and gradually my patience makes them sure that I can do both the works.
- The lady doing business from home should be given full rest.
- The business woman also wish that she should go to her parents house and stay there for some days or go there in between to meet them.
- She should not be asked every time to go to the relative’s house in their joy and sorrows. She should be sent only when it is necessary.
- All the family members have equal responsibility of household work as she has.
- If the family is big, then the guests must also ensure that she cannot remain with them the whole time and every time cannot go for shopping with them.
- When the clients come, the family members should not behave negatively. Instead offer them to sit with respect.
- Try to understand the difficulties of the businesswoman.
- Give full respect to the home businesswoman like we give to any other serving lady.
- The businesswoman should have the privilege that she could go the market independently or meet her friends.
- She should also get some privacy so that she can take rest when she wishes. All the time family members should not keep surrounding her.
- Other family members also should help in her business at the time of need – NEETU GUPTA
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