Japan’s Wisteria Flower Tunnel 01 - Sachi Shiksha

Japan’s Wisteria Flower Tunnel Just a five hour ride from Tokyo, on a high speed train, a pastel colored fairy tale flower ‘tunnel’ awaits to sweep off your feet with its exotic and mesmerizing splendor!

The gardens house more than 150 Wisteria flowers in 20 species – white, blue, purple, violet-blue and pink neatly and carefully arranged in patterns across the ‘tunnel’, making you crane your neck as you continue to be awed by their beauty and elegance.

The best time to visit the ‘tunnel’ is April to mid-May, when the wisteria is at its full bloom, only once a year, so you might just wish for your luck.

The web-images fail to give you the experience of the captivating scent of the flower, for which you have to only visit the place in real. There is a ‘Golden Week’ marked in the Japanese calendar for everyone to invest in touring the famous places of Japan; this coincides with the blooming season of the wisteria flower. This is your only time to experience the magic of the flower tunnel.

You can have all the time to yourself, take a look at the long winding tunnel and when you are content, sit down with a good relaxing book and unwind on a bench inside the tunnel.

It’s nothing less than a rejuvenating experience and sheer fortune to spend such a good time with flowers all around you; just allow wisteria to fill life in your heart.

Capture the scene into your eyes and lock in your mind to re-live the experience whenever you want to. Interestingly, the locals don’t believe in advertising or propagating the tunnel, so it may pose a challenge to even find out the place.

Ditch the crowds and reach there early morning to take complete advantage of nature’s prize.


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