How Would Your Parents Have Described You?
How Would Your Parents Have Described You?
I am the first girl child in my family. I deserve to be treated very special but the...
Announce a StatustoYour New World
Announce a StatustoYour New World
My name is Avneet. I was in my second year of graduation from Delhi University when the lockdown came into...
Developing the Sense of Autonomy & Self-confidence Among kids
Developing the Sense of Autonomy & Self-confidence Among kids
In early childhood education, autonomy means making kids know that they can control themselves and the...
Doing Crossword Puzzles Can Keep Your Mind Young
Jungle vine
Wife’s place in Chaucer tale
Montezuma subject
Play by oneself
Switch add-on
Horatio Hornblower’s horrible hangover
Medication for...
Riddles to Test Your Smarts (with Answers): For Kids & Adults
If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me you don’t have me. What am I?
Ans: A secret
Best, Interesting & Fun Riddles: Can You Solve Them?
Easy Riddles
What month of the year has 28 days?
What question can you never answer yes to?
What is always in front of...
Best Brain Puzzles With Answers: Challenge Your Brain Now
Find the missing number?
2. Can you crack this logical Puzzle?
A) 6713
B) 9415
C) 9515
D) 842
3. Eye Test -Logical Challenge!
4. Two girls ate dinner together
7 Tips to Help Parents Educate their Kids at Home
Teaching Kids at Home
Education plays a vital role in the overall development of children. It not only imparts knowledge to kids but also helps...
No Clue: A Story
How the feeling would be when you are sitting outside the Principal office where your parents and administrator of the school are called to...
Find The Five Differences Between These Two Pictures
Find The Five Differences Between These Two Pictures
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