100th Kohinoor Diamond Jubilee Storms Delhi Sachi Shiksha

100th Kohinoor Diamond Jubilee Storms Delhi. Delhi saw a Baisakhi that it had never seen before.

It was a Tsunami of divine love that bathed the city in its ecstatic and yet soothing delight.

The occasion was the 100th Ru-B-Ru night as Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan’s rocking spiritual music concerts are christened, at the Jawaharlal Nehru stadium on the evening of 13th April, and Delhi was left gasping in amazement.

The audience was stunned by the enchanting and mystical experience of Guruji’s performance, His soulful rendition. Piercing the rain spangled night sky it was a spectacle indeed as 100,000 fans danced and celebrated in unison. The showers were no dampener but became a part of the high energy celebration of humanitarianism.

The Jawahar Lal Nehru stadium had never experienced such a sight unfold earlier. Music, that had always been abused to entrap the vulnerable into the shackles of drugs and depravity, rediscovered its original and true meaning when the True Master performed; that music is real manna for the soul.

The reason behind the event was to connect the youth with the higher purpose of life and to wean them away from drugs and rescue them from the throes of moral degradation. Guruji’s music is meant to draw the world’s attention to the crying need of collaborating for larger humanitarian causes for social welfare.

Indeed as Guruji spearheads a whopping 101 ongoing endeavors of humanitarian service, there was no better way possible to instill the message deeply into every heart. The audience came equipped with rich and colorful motifs of celebration.

It appeared that all the joys of the world had descended upon those present in the stadium that might. Celebrities, sportspersons, industrialists, businessmen, politicians, bureaucrats and the hoi polloi all were breathless and excited. In a short span of two and a half years, Guruji had scared a century of concerts. Unlike anything else, every concert would bring new compositions… The timing was apt;

6:13 pm chimed the clock as Guruji descended on his first grand entry. Che tera, in vernacular , means that we are yours and indeed every soul, every heartbeat, every footstep, every eyeball, every mood, every emotion, every breath and every blink was covered by the glories of Guruji’s divine love, the very moment He entered.

There were many doubting thomases, many skeptics and first time visitors who were in tears as they learnt about Guruji’s programs to adopt prostitutes as his own daughters and their subsequent marriages. They were moved to tears when they learnt that people enslaved by 80 injections of narcotics in a day were helped to quit in a jiffy.

They were overawed when they realized that Guruji had been instrumental in helping the world cope with every major humanitarian disaster. And they were astounded and amazed as Guruji’s vast talents in diverse fields became visible. From a dress designer to music composer, lyricist, engineer, car designer, philanthropist, sports person, humanitarian..the list is endless. And Guruji’s humility is all conquering.

Guruji’s leadership by example was evident to all. The first song was an enthusiastic remembrance of God, promising never to sway from it . The voice was rich and mellifluous; the beat was foot tapping forces the masses to dance. The next number, ‘ Matthiyan gulgule’ was quintessentially Punjabi on a powerful Bhangra beats, and it set the stands on the fire of joyous, ceaseless celebration.

The third song was sung capturing the pangs of separation from the beloved Almighty. My Body , thine soul, when the twain merge, ego vanishes and dies.

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