famous things in india - things that our india is famous for - Sachi Shiksha

“India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most artistic materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only!”

These words were spoken by Mark Twain, the great writer, entrepreneur, publisher and humorist, often regarded as the father of American literature.

Indeed India is a special country, some amazing things that India is famous for are listed below.


There is not even an ounce of doubt about the fact that India has contributed in the development of the world in every field, be it astronomy, architecture,cartography, mathematics, medicine, mineralogy, metallurgy, logic, etc. With the advent of the 21st century India has shown its remarkable presence worldwide in the field of automobile engineering, communications, space research, information technology and polar technology. Some useful inventions from India are zero and the number system, games like chess and snakes and ladders, natural fibres and buttons, cataract surgery, radio or wireless communication, diamonds, steel and metal works, USB Drive, shampoo etc.

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These are just some of the discoveries and inventions originating in our great land. Basmati rice, Yoga, Sanskrit, Ayurveda, water on the Moon, plastic surgery, binary system, ink and many more items were a gift by India to the world. As a matter of fact, the list is quite long and India has many accolades to its name.


Languages in India - Sachi ShikshaIndia has 29 states and eight union territories however there is no official language in India though Hindi is the official language of the Government. The constitution of India officially recognises 23 official languages. Many people living in India write Devanagari script. There is even a misconception that majority of people speak in Hindi but about 59 percent Indian residents speak languages other than Hindi such as Bengali, Telugu, Tamil, Marathi and Urdu among others. This is not all, more than 19500 languages or dialects are spoken in India as mother tongues. India is the second largest English-speaking country also.


vast varieties of foods in India in different regions - Sachi ShikshaFood has always been an integral part of Indian culture, be it for any religion, any dynasty or any period. When the Mughal Empire started spreading its roots across the Indian subcontinent, they left a significant mark on the Indian cuisine. Indian cuisine is influenced by many other countries and known for its large assortment of dishes and liberal use of spices and herbs. Our food has 6 different flavours: sweet, salty, spicy, sour, bitter and astringent. A proper Indian meal is a perfect balance of all 6 flavours. So, the next time you try an authentic Indian meal you know how to judge it best.

Architecture and Art

Indian Art and Architecture - Sachi ShikshaThe architecture of India is rooted in its history, culture and religion, even considered as perhaps India’s greatest glory. From caves, temples and mosques to palaces and stupas India boasts of having an architectural diversity like no other country in the world. Some of the most renowned architectures are henceforth described. The most celebrated structure is the Taj Mahal – an eulogy to the undying love, set in pristine white marble. An ode to the Sun god is the Konark temple where even stones speak up in prayer.

The Ellora Caves carved out beautifully are an integral land of three beliefs. The famed Chola temples, where even the  sing and sculptures dance in devotion. A rock cut sonnet to the greatest war of the time Mahabharat is Mahabalipuram. The lasting testament to the grandeur of Vijayanagar Empire lies in Hampi. A beautiful wonder of architecture is the Iron pillar. In all, India is the home to 38 UNESCO World heritage sites including 30 cultural sites, 7 natural sites and 1 mixed site.

India has a very rich culture of dance and music. Since ancient times, different dance forms have practiced in India. The major classical dance and music traditions are Bharatanatyam, Kathak, Odissi, Manipuri, Kuchipudi, Mohiniattam and Kathakali, drawing on themes from mythology and literature having rigid presentation rules.

Spirituality and Religions

diverse culture in India - Spirituality and Religions - Sachi ShikshaIndia is the holy land of diverse cultures linked to deep rooted spirituality through the powers of divine souls, yogis and saints. People across the world and from diverse religious backgrounds believe that India has mystical powers to heal the fatigued soul. Religious Guru like Buddha, Mahaveer and many others have spread the message of service to all living creatures and hence India is also the birth land for Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism. This land has a lot to offer to the thirsty minds and souls wandering for devout association towards the Supreme Power.

India, the land of God has always held answers for questions related to the hidden truths of life, power of mind and mysticism. Mind and body rejuvenating spiritual practices like Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda for attaining higher consciousness of mind and body have originated here in this pious land. Religious schools and centres such as temples, shrines, mosques ,gurudwaras and churches have been built in harmony giving away a sense of spiritual fervour.

Well, words are never enough to describe my country “India”.

You can use special, because India amazes others by its diversity, its culture, its vibrant society, its people, its hospitality, its spirituality and much more.

Overall India is “Incredible India”.


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