Joy & Sorrow Go Hand-in-Hand
Joy & Sorrow Go Hand-in-Hand
Life is a mixture of periods of joy and sorrow. Develop the courage to welcome both with equal zeal.
Human life is an endless interplay of joy and sorrow. Just as a coin has two...
The History of Camera
The History of Camera
Imagine a world without cameras. No personal photos albums, absence of visual media, no images of your dearly departed, in short erase all photos and films that ever existed. Such a...
National Memorial Day
National Memorial Day
A memorial is very important to most people and its purpose is to remember a person or an event. We create memorials that celebrate the lives and personalities of those we have...
International Labour Day
International Labour Day
International Labour Day, also known as Workers’ Day or May Day, is celebrated in most countries around the globe on 1 May every year. The day, which is set aside in honour...
Small Business Start-ups
Small Business Start-ups
If you have ever worked in technology or are familiar with it, you most likely know entrepreneurs who incessantly launch new start-ups. Have you ever asked yourself what a start-up actually is?...
How To Crack An Interview
How To Crack An Interview
Every year millions of freshers and candidates with years of experience appear for interviews to achieve their dream jobs. Just the mention of an interview can give one butterflies in...
Basics of Stock Market
Basics of Stock Market
Stock market is the place where investors can buy and sell securities, or stakes in individual companies as well as exchange-traded funds (ETFs). The market concept is also used for the...
Being a Friend in Need to Your Employees
Being a Friend in Need to Your Employees
When you’re friends with an employee, you must navigate some difficult terrain. One of the most difficult aspects is walking the line between confidentiality and transparency. Working...
Wissenaire: A fest by IIT Bhubaneswar bring a suitable platform for Youth
Wissenaire: A fest by IIT Bhubaneswar bring a suitable platform for Youth
Wissenaire, East India's largest Techno-Management Fest, is back with its 12th edition this Year. Wissenaire 22 is scheduled to kick off on Apr...
Mobile Phone Boon or Bane
Mobile Phone Boon or Bane
Science has made the life very comfortable for human being. Civilisation started from the scratch. But today, men have everything within the reach of hands. Inventions of science are wonderful...