Diabetes Can be Prevented -sachi shiksha

Diabetes Can be Prevented

Introduction: Diabetes is a well-known name of a disease in India which people know by the name of sugar disease. In this disease, the production of insulin from the pancreas decreases, stops or the insulin produced from it is no longer effective, due to which the glucose obtained from food starts getting accumulated in the body, which in case of excess starts coming out through urine.

Diabetes Patients in India

Diabetes Earlier it used to happen to rich people in adulthood but now it has become widespread and common to everyone. India has the highest number of its patients. That is why India is now being called its capital of the world. The food culture and modern comfort-loving lifestyle are increasing it.

Common Symptoms of Diabetes

Hunger, excessive thirst, sugar in urine, itching in the body, wounds not healing, excessive urination, sudden weight gain, dry and smelly skin, grittiness in the eyes are considered to be its common symptoms. In case of excessive symptoms, diabetes is possible, which becomes clear by testing blood and urine two-three times.

Types and Causes of Diabetes

There are three types of diabetes. In type one category of sugar, external insulin is necessary to digest the glucose obtained from food, which according to the doctor is given to the patient through injection. 10 percent of India’s diabetes patients belong to this category. Type 2 diabetes can be controlled by improving lifestyle and diet or by taking medicines. 85 percent patients belong to this category. Gestational diabetes is the third type  of diabetes that appears in pregnant women.

Type 1 diabetes patients are children, teenagers or youth, who suffer from it due to genetics. Type 2 diabetes patients are people aged 35 to 40 years or older. Prediabetic patients become type 2 patients, while the same type 2 patients turn into type 1 if they are careless.

A person suffering from blood pressure, heart disease and obesity becomes a type 2 diabetic. All this happens due to carelessness, which can be easily prevented and controlled if desired.

Ways to Control and Prevent Diabetes

  • Preventing and controlling every disease is within the control of the patient first. Prediabetes and Diabetes one, two, three can be prevented by adjusting lifestyle and diet.
  • Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day, walk briskly or ride a bicycle.
  • If you are overweight then reduce it. Keep it a little less than the normal measurement.
  • Keep blood pressure and heart disease under control.
  • Avoid fatty foods; keep cholesterol under control.
  • Consume very little sweets and sugary items.
  • Take soup, salad and add rice in your meal.
  • Do not consume fried and roasted items, junk food, fast food, canned and bottled items. Never take cold drinks
  • Never eat too much food at one go. As per need, divide the food into four parts and take it at an interval of 3-4 hours.
  • Eat as much salad, vegetables and fibrous things as possible.
  • Do not spend free time sitting. Don’t be lazy. Keep doing some hard work.
  • Walk on foot, use stairs instead of lift.
  • Take lemon, orange and seasonal fruits. Do not take more than one apple & one slice of papaya. Do not eat ripe banana, ripe mango, and ripe pumpkin.
  • Do not consume fine flour, polished rice or products made from it. Use porridge, rava, whole grains, sprouted grains and pulses.
  • Don’t let stress, disappointment, frustration and depression come near you. Be fit, cheerful, enthusiastic, optimistic and hardworking. Be ready to work.
  • Get your sugar checked from time to time. Stay in constant touch with the doctor. Follow the doctor’s instructions. Please inform the doctor about changes and symptoms if any.


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