Good Discussion Leads to Good Relations -sachi shiksha

Good Discussion Leads to Good Relations


A group of persons linked through personal ties, most fundamentally through blood relations, forms a family. It is considered as the core element of any social landscape but their structure and denotations can vary in different countries according to the religions and cultures. Most commonly, families are classified as- nuclear and joint family based on their size and structure. A nuclear family is a small family comprised of a husband, wife, and their unmarried children.

A joint family is an extended family having grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins and can include up to four generations. A family provides a conducive environment for the upbringing of the child. It is said that a family plays an irreplaceable role in the informal education of children. It is the first and foremost anchor for any human being. It imparts emotional and financial security to people and carves their notions, morals, and conduct.

Additionally, a family plays a pivotal role in transferring religious, social and, cultural beliefs from one generation to another. An individual acquires diverse attributes like etiquette, conversational skill, sharing, composure, compassion, regard for others, etc. through his family. Moreover, the functioning of a family, remarkably, influences the social conduct of the children.

Myriad Strands of Family

A family is the union of perennial relationships in one or the other form. Myriad strands like love, care, devotion, belongingness, and faith that tie all the members together. Out of all these, the bond of love acts as the centripetal force and keeps all the members directed towards a family’s nucleus. Another subtle factor that plays a crucial role in fastening the family members is communication.

It is a core component that can influence family dynamics, either positively or negatively. Communication involves the expression of one’s feelings as well as listening to others. In any family, healthy communication calls for healthy discussions in which members convey their ideas and viewpoints on any situation or event to their kinsmen. It is vitally important to have healthy discussions in a family as it helps to sustain happiness and peace in any family. People living in a happy family have better physical and mental health.

Conduct Periodic Discussions

How to Nurture Family Acceptance?A maxim by Ronald Reagen beautifully says- “Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope up with conflict by peaceful means.” Thus ,discussion is the most effective way to resolve any family dispute. However, conducting discussions only after the advent of problems is erroneous. Like  other family chores or routines, discussions could be arranged on fixed time intervals, for instance, once a week or on alternate days depending on the needs of the family.

The discussions could be comprehensive, embracing all topics from conventional to sensitive. Good discussions build trust and confidence among the family members and reduce their hesitations. Periodic discussions also inculcate good verbal skills in members, and they get prepared for facing the challenges of the outside world.

Involve Every Family Member

Another crucial aspect is including all the family members in discussions. It’s not like financial discussions are meant only for adults or modest discussions about daily household chores are limited to female stakeholders. The involvement of every family member makes the discussion healthy and generates an instinct of awareness and responsibility in them. They feel more connected with others. In a sensible discussion, a member is not always a speaker. At one or the other point, he or she stands at the receiver’s end.

It establishes them as good listeners and develops a sense of acceptance for other’s outlook also. In the testing times of a family, when a relationship is at stake, good discussions can truly be a savior. Although good discussions do not always result in a solution for a particular problem, they can create ways or hope for any solution. After discussing their viewpoints, members feel calm and composed. Two irked members can get clarity of thoughts and try to understand other’s opinions.  Gradually, they become neutral and also start self-introspection. In this way, knots in any relation can get untangled.

Conduct Simple & Natural Discussion

Each family is extraordinary and has a set of preconceived notions, values, and practices. Likewise, communication practices also differ from family to family. Sometimes, family members delay discussion because they seek a perfect or peculiar environment or setting for initiating any talk. But such a time warp can worsen the situation.  To avoid any adversity, discussions have to be prompt, simple, and natural without hyping any issue. So, rather than waiting for a particular occasion or surroundings, a discussion on a touchy topic could be started at the dining table served with good food or in garden area infused with low-tone music.

During heavy discussion, a slight comic tone can cool the temperament of the members and can flip the monotonous environment. Sometimes there is so much awkwardness in a relationship that verbal discussions retard. In such cases, members can initiate the conversation by writing their viewpoints on a paper and exchanging them with others. In this way, they get a sound base to solve any issue. Concurrently, this should be ensured that the discussion is regardful, logical, and realistic. Unnecessary stretching of futile conversations or dominative talks can never result in a solution.

Respect the Disapprovals & Disagreements

These days, all individuals are so occupied with their hectic work schedules that they get brief time for interacting with other family members. Under such circumstances, a tiny spark of misunderstanding can erupt a bonfire. Misunderstandings can further lead to miscommunications. Therefore, healthy discussions are essential to reinforce or mend relations. No family is ideal or flawless, and no relationship is perfect.

There will always be disagreements or disapprovals among the members which have to be resolved by good discussions and not by targeting other family members. These discussions seem to be tedious and time-consuming but at the end of the day, they are indispensable for reviving the gravity of the family members and making them more affixed.


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