Iron Lady Rekha Kadam’s Success Story - Sachi Shiksha

Indomitable Spirit

Today ladies are achieving name and fame with success in every field. They are successful in those areas also, which once was considered to be only for men.

With her enthusiasm, courage, labour and devotion the Women Power have written new chapters. Ladies are considered to be very weak, soft and doing work like teaching, nursing, administrative jobs only. But think of a lady which takes her breathe in Iron.

See iron only all around which has given her the name of Iron Lady. Looking at her face, she looks like a tiny girl. You can guess that she may be a student next door. But her achievements have made her to stand in the queue of the Successful Ladies, the country can proud of.

Their we are talking about Rekha Kadam. With her iron dreams she has really become an Iron Lady getting success in Spring Manufacturers. Starting only with an investment of Rs. 50,000, Rekha today has taken the S.K. Spring Manufacturers to Rs.

Eighty Five Lakhs. A B.E. in Mechanical Engineering from G.S.I.T.S., Rekha says that nothing is impossible for women. Rekha said that when she chose Mechanical Engineering Branch for B.D. in GSITS, every one suggested her to change some other stream as at that time Mechanical Engineering was considered to be for men only.

She said that I had decided to do something different. In the batch of 60, there were only two girls. She says that after the study when she decided to do spring development business, many people suggested that this is male dominated field, you shift to some easy sector. She said I decided to do only this and I did this.

At Sanwer Road Industrial Sector, she has 10,000 Sq. Feet, she has her modern plant. The specialty is that 90% of the workers are female.

Spring Used in the Prithvi Missile

She says that presently 12 tones of production every month is done in this plant. She says that we produce springs being used from pen to big springs used in rail coaches. With pride on her face she further narrates that in PRITHVI MISSILE also the spring of their company has been used.

She says that they are providing springs for Railway, Army weapons and agricultural equipments. Rekha Kadam says that she has made the target of 50 crores in coming five years. Awarded in Make in India Function She was awarded in ‘Make in India’ programme for manufacturing of special spring used in the treatment of Breast Cancer in the country itself.

Rekha’s company make it available in only Rs. 15 thousand whereas of imported from abroad, cost comes to 1.25 lakhs. Rekha Kadam says that ladies should come forward in every field showing their capability.

If the ladies use their caliber, no one can check them from glittering. Today the ladies are playing different roles.

They can be a pilot, doctor, navy officer with the challenging jobs of upbringing of their kids. We should salute these ladies that they are playing these multiple duties with courage.


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