Mental Health In the Workplace

Introduction: To begin with, mental health can simply be explained as a person’s emotional well-being. It is about how a person feels, perceives, behaves, and just responds to various things that happen in life. In the society, there is always an increased sense of understanding and care for the physical health of people but very little importance is given to the mental health.

It is essential to note that mental health is as important as physical health and both of them are required to be actively taken care of. Good mental health enables people to make informed decisions, navigate through the ups and downs of life and build meaningful relationships. In today’s scenario, where people are hustling between home and office, it gains even more importance due to the increased pressures in life.

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Survey Conducted on Mental Health in Workplace:

Emphasizing on mental health in workplace, it is to be noted that both the corporate and the individual have a role to play. Based on a survey conducted by Deloitte in 2022, on “Mental Health and Well-being in the Workplace”, which compiled insights from 3,995 employees, around 47 percent of the professionals surveyed, considered workplace-related stress as the biggest factor affecting their mental health.

This affect can be seen in the form of anxiety, depression, loss of concentration or simply a lack of interest in doing activities. While a percentage of this population resigned, it is alarming to observe that around 39 percent of the affected people, failed to address their improper mental health due to social stigma.This is exactly where effective steps have to be taken.

Stress Free Work Environment:

It is the corporates’ duty to create a work environment where employees feel engaged, empowered, and enthusiastic. Mental health awareness needs to be spread in the workplace and taking time-offs, avoiding burnouts, and promoting the overall well-being of the employees should be an everyday activity. Many corporates have a games and sports section in their office, where employees can engage in a fun game of table tennis, carrom board or pool.

This gives the employees a much-needed break from the stresses of office and refreshes them to work better. It’s a win-win for both the corporate and the individual. Various policies have to be implemented and a positive work culture where there are no barriers to communication must be developed. It is also a common practice to reward healthy behaviours and provide support to the people who are not at the best of their mental health.

Individual Responsibility:

During times of depression, anxiety, or extreme mood-swings, consulting an expert is to be made accessible. On the other hand, the individual also needs to focus and actively take care of their mental health. One must understand that his mental health not only affects him but also his family, friends and even the company he works for.  On a personal level, individuals must practice yoga and meditation and benefit from the increased concentration and thinking capabilities.

A person with good mental well-being is more creative, disciplined and concentrated on the job, which altogether opens new opportunities to succeed. It is the individual’s responsibility to engage in the corporate’s policy for improved mental health and play his part in promoting the positive work culture. He must also participate in support group activities to not only maintain his health but to also help his colleagues.

Constant Efforts Required for Mental Well-being: 

Many people think that their current mental well-being is good and hence no action needs to be taken. At this stage it is key to understand that constant steps have to be taken to care for our emotional health, just as we do for our physical health. People take conscious efforts for physical health by working out, dieting and similarly efforts have to be taken to care for the brain as well. A simple vacation with loved ones, meditation, expressing our feelings and building resilience can do the trick for an improved mental health.


Positive mental health in all areas of our life is crucial to be happy and peaceful. While we have family and friends to deal with the personal part of it, we need to remember that our workplaces are also friendly and supportive and are willing to help us have good mental health there as well. Therefore, all should involve and help each other in living a well round life with a good balance of mental and physical health.


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