Neem Became the Topic of Discussion -sachi shiksha

Neem Became the Topic of Discussion

The beneficial Neem tree, which is seen in fields, barns, roadsides and around houses, is going through a crisis these days. Even though the entire spring has passed, new leaves have not yet appeared on the neem trees, rather the withered leaves are still seen hanging on the neem trees. Agricultural and horticultural scientists have made shocking revelations regarding this fact. The neem tree is considered capable of fighting bacteria, but the worrying thing is that due to the outbreak of this fungal disease, neem trees have been continuously drying up for the last three years.

“Actually, there is a change in the weather, this time winter started late around the month of December and continued till the end of March. This is the main reason why Neem trees have been more affected by frost. Although 95 percent of Neem trees have started budding again, but 5 percent are still not able to come out of the ravages of winter.”

Haripal Singh, District Forest Officer, Sirsa

Professor Jaishankar of Telangana State Agricultural University has also set up a high-level committee, comprising plant pathologists, agronomists and entomologists, to study the fungal outbreak and suggest measures to solve the problem. Meanwhile, District Forest Officer of Sirsa, Haripal Singh says that this season the severity of cold has been extreme, the effect of which is visible on the neem tree.

However, after the end of the winter season, the leaves of neem trees and plants have dried up so suddenly, as if scorched by flames of fire. The special thing is that despite the month of April going almost, few new shoots are visible on the neem trees. Pushpendra Kumar, who takes care of horticulture, said that the rain during winter season is also a reason for the drying of neem trees, because the acid rain caused by excess carbon monoxide in the atmosphere also has an adverse effect on the neem trees.

On the other hand, the cold has had such a severe impact on neem that till now the plant has not been able to come out of that outbreak. It has been observed that first the neem branches turn black and then gradually dry up. Kikar, Shisham, Babul and other trees standing on the roadside are green, but the leaves of the neem trees have dried up and are stuck on the trees.

Let us tell you that neem is a plant or tree which is also considered a source of income for farmers. Neem plants are planted in the fields where nothing grows. Because the leaves of neem tree and its root are used in making various types of Ayurvedic and Allopathic medicines. Neem is found in front of almost every house in rural areas.

Amidst the increasing influence of tooth brush and tooth paste, even today most of the people in villages start their morning with Neem dahoon. According to doctors, neem tree fights bacteria. Apart from being a fungus fighter, it is also an antioxidant. Not only this, in Ayurveda, neem leaves are also used to reduce the effects of snake poison. In case of any skin related disease, allopathic doctors also advise the patient to boil neem leaves in water and take a bath.


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