Safe Activities  During Pregnancy

Safe Activities  During Pregnancy

Pregnancy-the nine months of transition for a woman towards motherhood is the most miraculous journey in a woman’s life. Despite the challenges that come handy during pregnancy, it is a life changing experience, whether you are a first time mom or carrying your second child.

But as soon as you are pregnant, there is plethora of advice from near and dear ones of do’s and don’ts that you need to follow during this phase. Similar content is available online as well at your disposal suggesting various activities and foods that you need to avoid during pregnancy.

However, with abundance of information available it becomes difficult for the first time becoming momto figure out what is true and what is a myth. Dealing with a never ending list of things you shouldn’t do while pregnancy, you start feeling that nothing is good for you and your unborn child.

In the Indian households, people have diverse notions about pregnancy. Some say a pregnant woman should rest as much as possible while others pressurise the expecting mothers to do the household chores more compared to normal days.

If experts are to be believed, pregnancy is a different experience for every woman with different signs and symptoms. Some might go through sleepless nights while some may have morning sickness, and others may have it the easy way.

However regardless of the signs and symptoms, there are a few activities that are considered to be safe during pregnancy and should be practiced for better and healthy child birth. Following a regular routine for exercising, you can also decrease some common issues like back aches, fatigue, excess weight gain etc.

Here are a few activities that a pregnant woman should consider to perform but in consultation with her gynaecologist:


Safe Activities  During PregnancyWalking is the easiest andsafestworkout that is also suggested by the doctors throughout the pregnancy. Walking helps you burn the extra calories and keep your weight in control. Being overweight can increase the risk of complications during child birth. Ahalf an hour to 45 minutes walk in a garden can help lift up your mood and keep up the energy levels.


Safe Activities  During PregnancyAnother very safeexercise for expecting mothers is Yoga. There are various different yoga poses that are suggested during different trimesters. However, it is always better to perform yoga under the able guidance of a yoga instructor rather than watching videos online and repeating without any supervision. Instructors will help you with poses that are safe for pregnant women. If you are new to yoga try easy poses and breathing exercises at first and gradually move on to other poses.

Mild Aerobics:

Safe Activities  During PregnancyAerobics can turn out to be a great way to stay fit and activeduringpregnancy. If you have been doing aerobics before you conceived then continuing with it should not be an issue for you if your doctor allows you. Aerobics strengthens your muscles and is also good for your lungs and heart. The key thing is not to overdo and keep it mild. Avoid steps that involve jumping, jerking or bouncing movements.


Meditation hasproven results on pregnant women. Many women experience high levels of stress during pregnancy which has hazardous effects on the baby as well as the mother. However, women who have been practicing mediation during pregnancy showed reduced stress levels and anxiety during birth. Watching and reading the life histories of Spiritual Saints& warriors is an extra advantage and develops the virtuous qualities in the child to be born.


Safe Activities  During PregnancyTaking a dip in the poolis always exciting. But during pregnancy many peopleconsider swimming unsuitable for them. However, swimmingis considered as a safe form of exercise during pregnancy. Swimming is an overall workout that helps a lot improving your core strength. Just remember not to twist your abdomen and focus on your core body movement. It can help in pain relief and even in the neurological system development of the unborn baby.

Is It Safe to Exercise During Pregnancy?

Healthy pregnant women who don’t have complications can exercise for a healthy baby and child birth. Though you should always consult with your doctor before starting to exercise. A good half an hour workout is ideal for pregnant women. Taking all the precautions and maintaining a balanced diet and staying hydrated should be a thumb rule for pregnant women. However, exercising can be unsafe for some women. Your gynaecologist will help you to better understand your condition and suggest what is safe for you.

Warning Signs to Stop Exercising

If you witness vaginal bleeding or leakage, reach out to your doctor immediately. Excess of workout can also cause nausea, dizziness and also lead to fainting. Thus, you should know when to stop. Be attentive towards your baby’s movements. If you do not feel any movement, reach the nearest hospital at the earliest. Any sort of pain, contractions, swelling is an alarming signal to stopexercise.


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