How Body Reacts to Emotions
Maps of bodily sensations associated with different emotions. Hot colors show activated, cool colors deactivated regions.
Many phrases reflect how emotions affect the body: Loss...
Computer Simulation of Blood Vessel Growth
Computer Simulation of Blood Vessel Growth Tiny blood vessels grow better in the laboratory if the tissue surrounding them is less dense. Then the...
History of Cyclones
History of Cyclones
The weather is something that impacts all of our lives in some way. It controls how water is distributed across the planet,...
Indian Saas Ecosystem
Indian Saas Ecosystem
Over the last decade, the rise of Software as a Service (SaaS) has dramatically transformed both the software industry and the myriad...
AI –The Life Next
AI –The Life Next Introduction: Everything in modern times is driven by technological advances, including financial markets, politics, and demographics. It has an impact...
Mysterious Sailing Stones
Mysterious Sailing Stones
Imagine you are trekking and you come across tracks in the sand. They are neither paw prints nor footprints. They are one...
Why Are Day & Night Equal on 23rd September?
Why Are Day & Night Equal on 23rd September?
Introduction: 23 September has special significance. This day is full of happiness for the devotees of...
Water plumes on dwarf planet Ceres
Water plumes on dwarf planet Ceres
Scientists using the Herschel space observatory have made the first definitive detection of water vapor on the largest and...
Cyber Security
After the digital revolution and the penetration of Information technology in almost every sector of society, cybersecurity has become very relevant today. Due to...
ChatGPT & Its Uses
ChatGPT & Its Uses
Introduction: ChatGPT is an AI (Artificial Intelligence) programme that receives human prompts and generates human-like answers. This is not like anything...