Why ISRO is India’s Success Story
Why ISRO is India’s Success Story
The history of human exploration has been intriguing and exciting one.
It has moved from one planet to other planet,...
The History of Camera
The History of Camera
Imagine a world without cameras. No personal photos albums, absence of visual media, no images of your dearly departed, in short...
Is AI Replacing Human Requirement?
Is AI Replacing Human Requirement?
Introduction : Artificial Intelligence (AI) and humans coexist in a complex relationship marked by collaboration, competition, and ethical considerations. AI,...
Different Types of Calendars and Date Systems
Different Types of Calendars and Date Systems
Whether it is planning an event or a vacation, scheduling a business meeting or remembering important days like...
Humans Came Long After Aliens
Harvard astrophysicist Abraham Loeb gets the feeling that we are one of the last to the universe party. Loeb's research suggests that a mere...
The History of Clocks ( Watches )
The History of Clocks Watches
Introduction: The word "clock" comes from the French word cloche which means bell. It entered the language around the 14th...
Tale of Leap Year
Tale of Leap Year
This calendar anomaly occurs every four years and helps us keep track of the seasons. Leap days are significant because they...
Famous Predictions of Nostradamus That Came True
Famous Predictions of Nostradamus That Came True
Introduction: Michel de Nostredame usually known as Nostradamus was a French astrologer, physician and also a seer who...
Science of Bluetooth
Science of Bluetooth
Ericsson is credited with being the first corporation to work on creating Bluetooth, and the Ericsson T39, which was released in...
Quantum Physics- At a Glance
Quantum Physics- At a Glance
Since the earliest days of scientific inquiry,
scientists have been fascinated with learning about the basic building blocks of matter....