keep the grams insect free to get more production Sachi Shiksha

Keep the Grams Insect Free and Take Maximum Production

Chickpea (Gram) is the main Rabi pulse crop. Being the pulse crop, it is the main source of protein for nation wide vegetarian population. Being less area for lthe Chikpea (Gram), it is necessary to...
Tips to have a Great Home Garden Sachi Shiksha

Tips to Have a Great Home Garden

Tips to Have a Great Home Garden Gardening is not merely a hobby; it can be a passion for many enthusiasts. It can be an activity that relaxes your mind and body by connecting you with...
Do this Before Purchasing Silver Coins - Sachi Shiksha

Before Purchasing Silver Coins

Before Purchasing Silver Coins This is festive season, so shopping is a must. Time is being slipped in the confusion, what to purchase and what not. But then also you cannot decide. You may...
Millets As An Alternative of Wheat -sachi shiksha

Millets As An Alternative of Wheat

Millets As An Alternative of Wheat Introduction: There are several factors that make nutrition a challenging one to get out of, as things can frequently become complicated due to numerous shifts. The simplest option is...
History of Indian Millets -sachi shiksha

History of Indian Millets

History of Indian Millets Introduction: Millets are small-seeded species of cereal crops that belong to the grass family. They are whole grains, round in shape, gluten-free, and rich in nutrients like antioxidants, proteins, starch, vitamins,...
Empathy-A Mustfor Humans

Empathy-A Mustfor Humans

Empathy-A Mustfor Humans Empathy is the ability to emotionally understand what other people feel, see things from their point of view, and imagine yourself in their place  Empathy can be regarded as cognitive ability that...

Food Security in India

Food Security in India Introduction: Food security was a major challenge for the country after independence. Poverty had grappled the country. One of the many manifestations of poverty is starvation. After the second five year...
Greener Lifestyle -sachi shiksha

Zero Waste Living – Small Steps to a Greener Lifestyle

Zero Waste Living – Small Steps to a Greener Lifestyle Introduction: “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors we borrow it from our children”, is a native American proverb which beautifully highlights the responsibility...

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For Healthy Digestion

For Healthy Digestion It is often seen that some people have the habit of eating more than required. Some people eat more when they have...
Mawa Peda

Mawa Peda

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SACHI SHIKSHA Punjabi March 2014

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4th Farmers Fare on 24 -25 March, 2014

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