Do Not Make Children Superstitious -sachi shiksha

Do Not Make Children Superstitious

Ramesh was leaving home for shopping when suddenly his wife stopped him by calling him. On this, Ramesh lashed out at his wife that it is a bad omen to stop a person from behind while leaving the house for some work. He had a superstitious belief that his work would no longer be successful.

His son Pintu was watching all this and this got stuck in his mind. A few days later, while leaving home for the exam, Pintu’s sister called out to him and asked him to stop and coincidentally his exam did not go well that day. Whatever may have been the reason, he started blaming his sister for not succeeding because she interrupted him. What kind of wisdom is this?? This is a mere superstition which the child learned from his family and started following it.

Many meaningless superstitions are seen in our families, which have no basis. A study has revealed that the brain of a child up to eight years of age runs very fast. Whatever is told to him, he learns very well. When superstition goes beyond limits, it proves to be very dangerous.

Make Children Logical

  • Whatever will be the environment of the family, the child will become the same. Hence it is very important for the parents to be aware first. If the seeds of superstition are sown in the childhood, then they will not be able to take their decisions properly when they grow up.
  • Teach them to think about things scientifically so that children can argue against baseless superstitions. For example, spilling of milk after boiling is considered a bad omen which is a superstition. Its logic is that milk is a valuable commodity and its wastage leads to loss of money.
  • Due to lack of time, parents encourage their children to watch TV to keep them busy so that they do not disturb them. Children watch superstitious or scary serials which can affect their life. Children tend to believe what they see, so parents should be careful about what they watch on TV.
  • People stuck in superstitions put many shackles in their lives. They lack self-confidence because they attribute their success or failure to someday, some thing or things that have no basis. They do not try to find the real reason for it, whereas those who take their decisions on the basis of logic, they always move forward and feel relaxed.


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