Only Parents Can Become Role Models -sachi shiksha

Only Parents Can Become Role Models

Introduction: According to psychologists, parents have the greatest influence on the child because he spends all his early time living with his parents. Even when he goes to school, he spends more time with his parents.

Yes, as a teenager he spends a lot of time with his friends. Children keep in mind the behavior of their parents, the way they interact, how they react with the people around them, all these things come to the children knowingly or unknowingly.

Set an Example:

Now-a-days conscious parents understand this very well. They are keen that their children have good habits and can adapt themselves according to the environment. Hence parents should set an example by becoming their role models so that their children become what they want.

Make Your Children Fearless:

Make children fearless from the beginning. Do not tell them scary stories, because in metro cities, parents are working and sometimes children have to stay alone at home, so they should feel safe in such a situation. If they are timid from the beginning, they will feel unsafe. Teach them these qualities from childhood. This will improve their development.

Teach Love & Affection:

If you want to teach love and affection to children, then keep kissing and hugging them. Place a loving hand on the head and shoulders occasionally. Show them your love by placing their head in your lap for a while so that they feel safe. Take interest in children’s studies and activities. Play with them like a child.

Be friendly with teenagers, watch TV programs together. Eat food together. With this they will also love you, listen to you, respect elders and love the younger ones. Older children will get parents as friends. He will freely take advice from you and will not hide anything.

 Show your Emotion:

Parents should also keep showing their emotions. Just as it is natural to keep laughing and smiling, similarly anger is also a natural emotion. Sometimes, if children do not agree to something even after explaining, it is natural to get angry, but instead of expressing it immediately, reflect on the matter again and express your feelings.

Sometimes one gets angry quickly and later feels that it was the parent’s fault and the problem was not so serious, then in such a situation the parents should not refrain from speaking out. With this, children who consider their parents as guides will also indirectly learn how to control anger or how to feel sorry when they make a mistake.

Take Advice From Your Children:

In some household matters like preparing the menu, throwing away unnecessary items and interior decoration children’s advice should be taken. Due to this, children will also prefer to take advice from you instead of taking advice from friends on some matters.

But parents should know how to solve their problems, otherwise children can spoil the work by taking little knowledge from friends. Parents should explain to the children through their behavior what they do not like, and in that case the children will refrain from doing anything like this.

Adopt an Healthy Attitude:

It is true whatever the parents do, children easily follow them. If children remain connected with the family, their attitude will become healthy. For this, make your attitude healthy so that your children can live a happy, positive and safe life.


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