Question and Answers

Ques. Please explain the significance of Triveni (confluence of three holy rivers) Bhanwargufa (the vortex) and Daswan dwar (the tenth door of spirituality )

Ans. – A person is bound to attain the goal of 10th door of spirituality by performing regular meditation. The most revered His Holiness Saint Mastana Ji Maharaj and Shah Satnam ji Maharaj have elaborated that the disciples dedicated to Dera Sacha Sauda shall not undergo the swirlings through vortex. The devotee shall become capable to visualize God on crossing all the astral spheres by tracing the divine melody.

Ques.  I have a boy friend but there is nothing wrong in our relationships. My parents do not give consent to our friendship. Should this friendship be an accepted step?

Ans – During this era of vices, we remain restricted to the limits of respectable friendship because oil and fire also do not have cordial relations. You can develop friendship with fellow girls if you wish to develop reliable friendship.

Ques. It has been explained in our religious scriptures that a person can conquer the mountains if one develops meager true love for God. How can one acquire such unique Strength?

Ans.– It can be possible through firm belief, devotion and meditation.

Q- How can a person be relived of negative thoughts ?

Ans. – A person can get rid of negative aptitude through voluntary self less service to the humanity and perform regular meditation.

Ques. How much time does it take to visualize God ?

Ans – God can be visualized within a few moments, if one develops strong perception. He should not only concentrate on body and mind but also develop recollection of consciousness. On the other hand there are persons who spend many years to visualize God due to lack of mental regulation. They may pretend for meditation but develop deflection of mind.

Ques. What shall be fate of person who prepares non veg. meals for others (even after initiation) but himself avoids taking non-veg. food?

Ans. – If you do not take poison, then why should you prepare poison for others. If you are employed somewhere for such assignment, You can change over the some other job. Your spiritual guide shall help you in this regard.

Ques. ‘Bhagat Yodha’ are the special persons who take a vow to marry a girl ‘ shubh Devi’ (deserted sex workers). It is generally accepted that the fate of marriages are predestined.

Ans. – No. The fortunes of marriages may be predetermined but God has blessed mankind to be self conscious. The persons who have decided to be ‘Bhagat Yodha’ may also be blessed to transform their fortunes with the consent of their spiritual guide.

Qus. If non-violence is the main principle of religions, then what was the objective of killing the stag by Lord Rama?

Ans.– All religions follow the aspects of Non-violence. Lord Rama had the major aim of eliminating the devils. The demon who appeared in the shape of stag could only be killed when Lord Rama went for its trail and then only demon Ravana could be killed. This appreciable action proved to be a boon not only for then existing society but also was beneficial for human community of whole universe.

Ques. We have learnt from someone that when the dead body of a person is burnt, there exists a special bone (called Atma) recovered from the burnt remains. Can a person versed with enchanting knowledge (tantrik) subjugate the soul of such dead person by acquiring that special bone?

Ans. – No, it is not possible. The body becomes dead only after soul departs. The spirit either acquires its salvation with God or enters the cycle of transmigration (rebirth). It is a concocted mis-belief as the soul never dwells in bones.

Ques. How does the pious meditating soul gets honored and established in the astral spheres?

Ans – The gods and goddesses give standing ovation to the pious soul which is going to attain salvation in the divine spheres. The pleasant scenario and situation is beyond description.

Ques. What are the aims and objectives of saints in the present era?

Ans. – A true saint works for social progress of humanity, motivates masses to achieve union with God so as to get relieved from pains, suffering , anxieties etc during life time and attain the ultimate goal of salvation after departure.

Ques. There is a superstition for long time that certain people perform the ritual of sacrificial offerings to gods and goddesses. Is it right in any manner ?

Ans. – This type of superstition is prevalent for a long time. It is a condemnable tradition. Whether adopted long back but followed now as well.

Ques. What is the difference in between a saint and a highly placed noble soul.

Ans. Strong spirited noble natured person remains dedicated to the prayers & worship of Almighty God. Whereas, a saint always remains committed for the welfare service and progress of whole society.

Ques. What should be the remedy for the dejected person who fails to get any support from the society?

Ans. . The person should continue to work hard and should perform meditation. Prayer and hard work collectively shall provide relief to such person.


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