Live Independent from Servants

Live Independent from Servants

Today, majority of people are dependent on servants for getting something done. No matter what is the work;

looking after your kids or household cleaning, grocery shopping or cooking or much more, being dependent on the servants for each and every thing is not a rare sight in India.

This is a bad habit. Due to this you tend to nurture your dependency on others which further leads of the laziness.

Make sure you do not engage your domestic servants in your household works, particularly the ones that can be easily done by you.

Keep in mind the following simple tips and you will no more need any servant for getting your work done:

Start from saying NO

The basic problem is, Indians find it, very difficult to deny things, most of the times. This is usually because we are very lazy to do the things on our own. Give up this habit and next time when the door bell rings addressing the welcome of the servants in the house, say bluntly ‘NO’. This will make you feel responsible and then you will start planning accordingly, realizing the fact of self dependency.

Time Management

Manage your time judiciously. Evaluate the amount of time required for a particular work. As per that, plan the rest of your activities without finding excuses, but the solutions. If the women of the house are working too, a proper plan and management of time will help you master both office and home.

Set the priorities

It is not necessary to get all the work done every day.
Bifurcate it into categories. Daily household work like cooking, cleaning the vessels, and brooming can be done daily. While, mopping and washing of clothes can be done on alternate days. This will not only save you a great amount of time, but also let you not feel tiresome and bored.

Work together

Assign every family member some responsibility. Ask kids to do the simple stuff like watering houseplants or washing fruits and vegetables prior to cooking.

Work for your own

Make it a habit to do your work yourself and imbibe the same in your children too. Basic work like, cleaning the dishes after eating, folding the dried clothes, filling the water bottles, are the simple tasks that can be done individually; even by the grown up kids.

Taking a little more efforts will surely help you become independent. The idea of working independently will also make you feel confident about yourself.

You can listen to the stories of the day-to-day events all at a time. Apart from this, when the work is done by the entire family in collaboration, there will develop a sense of responsibility, care and affection towards others in you and your kids which will further result into a strong emotional bonding.

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