How to Choose Stream After Class 10
How to Choose Stream After Class 10
Introduction: Many students desire to become doctors after class 12 while others tend to become engineers but some...
Mobile Phone Boon or Bane
Mobile Phone Boon or Bane
Science has made the life very comfortable for human being. Civilisation started from the scratch. But today, men have everything...
PRODIGY 2021-22: An intercollege fest concludes Successfully
PRODIGY 2021-22: An intercollege fest concludes Successfully
PRODIGY is an annual intercollege fest by Lala Lajpat Rai College of Commerce and Economics, (Mumbai). For this...
MONETAⓇ 2021- fest starts with theme Beyond The Charts, Let’s Restart
MONETAⓇ 2021- fest starts with theme Beyond The Charts, Let’s Restart
"The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but...
Future of Online Education
Future of Online Education
In society monumental shifts occur when unexpected events force widespread experimentation around a new idea. During World War II, for instance,...
Online Classes Bane or Boon?
Change is the law of nature and we are always progressing towards adapting to the new changes with the worldwide pandemic and the development...
10 Tips to Help You Communicate With Teachers
Role of Teachers
Teachers play a vital role in shaping the life of children. Since school is the second home of children, it becomes very...
Online Education – A Challenge
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the temporary closing down of schools all over India. On 24th March 2020 a countrywide lockdown was declared...
An Appropriate Alternative is a Must
Open the newspaper or a local news channel the news of students committing suicides is common these days. It indeed is depressing to read...
Work from Home Options
Will it not be the most relaxing thing if you were paid for what you loved doing and that too within the confines of...