Special on the Guru Gaddi Diwas (Installation as a Spiritual Guide) Rev. Param Pita Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj

Special on the Guru Gaddi Diwas (Installation as a Spiritual Guide) Rev. Param Pita Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj

Beloved Benefactor Got Evident
His Holiness Beparwah Shah Mastana Ji fixed 28 February 1960 as Installation Day of Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj as a Spiritual Guide. As per the order given by His Holiness Beparwah Ji, devotees from distant places like Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana, Delhi etc. were called to Dera Sacha Sauda , on this auspicious day.

As per the orders given by His Holiness Beparawah Sai Ji, Param Pita Ji was garlanded with garland of notes from head to toe. After that an open jeep was beautifully decorated. When Param Pita Ji sat on beautifully decorated chair inside the jeep, His Holiness Beparwah Mastana Ji Maharaj said, “Sardar Satnam Singh Ji is very brave. He has followed every order of this penurious ‘Mastana’ and has done a great sacrifice.

He is worthy of immense praise. From today I have made Him My Successor & God-Himself.” With this, His Holiness Beparwah Mastana Ji Maharaj ordered the devotees, “A procession should be drawn in every street and colony of Sirsa city, so that everyone knows that Sardar Satnam Singh Ji, Shri Jalalaana Sahib Wale Sardar Sahib has sacrificed tremendously for this modest Mastana. With the command of the Spiritual Guide, He (Rev. Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj) is being made the Successor of Sacha Sauda.

“His Holiness Sai Ji also ordered the devotees present in the hermitage “All the devotees should go through the city with the procession and chant the holy slogan ‘Dhan Dhan Satguru Tera Hi Asra’ loudly and also tell all the people in the town that as per the command of Sai Sawan Shah Ji, We have declared Sardar Satnam Singh Ji, as the successor of Dera Sacha Sauda. Everyone has to take part in this procession.” Although this order of His Holiness Beparwah Mastana Ji Maharaj was for everyone, still some of the devotees stayed back in the hermitage. When His Holiness Beparwah Ji saw them wandering there, He asked them the reason for not going in the procession.

Those devotees said Sai Ji, we stayed back to have Your holy vision.’ On hearing this, His Holiness Beparwah Mastana Ji said in thunderous voice, “I have given everything to Sardar Satnam Singh Ji of Shri Jalalaana Sahib. If you want to see God-Himself, then go to the procession and have the holy vision of Sardar Satnam Singh Ji. I don’t have anything left with Me now.

” This way, the pious day of 28 February 1960 was written in golden words in the history of Dera Sacha Sauda. As per the command of His Holiness Beparwah Ji, entire Sirsa city was reverberated with holy slogans ‘Dhan Dhan Satguru Tera Hi Asra‘ and entire atmosphere of the city became musical with melodious tunes of bands in the procession. Along with echoing slogans, the devotees in the procession were also repeating the statement of His Holiness Beparwah Ji that, ‘From today, Sardar Satnam Singh Ji has been declared as the Successor & Lord of Dera Sacha Sauda by His Holiness Beparwah Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj.

” After going through the entire Sirsa city, when the glorious procession came back to the hermitage, His Holiness Beparwah Mastana Ji Maharaj-Himself was standing on the main door of the hermitage to welcome His Successor and Lord of Dera Sacha Sauda . Amidst the devotees, His Holiness Beparwah Sai Ji stated while pointing towards Param Pita Ji, “Today Sardar Satnam Singh Ji has been converted from a sacred Soul to God-Himself” After that His Holiness Sai Ji ordered the entire devotees which went into the procession, to sit in a row.

Then, His Holiness Beparwah Ji gave the blessed eatable to everyone with His own hands. Rigorous Examination:- From the very first day, His Holiness Beparwah Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj gave special attention to the Param Pita Ji and assumed Him as His future heir and second Spiritual Master of Dera Sacha Sauda and had started testing Him at every step. The following incident is of the year 1958. The Param Pita Ji came to meet His Holiness Beparwah Mastana Ji Maharaj in Sirsa.

His Holiness Sai Mastana Ji was delighted to see Him. Sai Ji asked about the well being of the devotees in Shri Jalalaana Saahib. Param Pita Ji told His spiritual Guide His Holiness Beparwah Ji about the hermitage in His village , “In Our village ‘Dera Mastpura Dham’ has almost been completed.

I request You to visit there.’ On listening to this, His Holiness Beparwah Ji said, ‘We will go to Your village in the evening.” Immediately the Param Pita Ji Haakam Singh Ji who came with Him, to Shri Jalalaana Sahib to give the information of auspicious arrival of His Holiness Sai Ji to the devotees there. In the evening, His Holiness Sai Mastana Ji Maharaj came with His Holiness to ‘Dera Sacha Sauda Mastpura Dham’, Jalalaana Sahib in a jeep.

His Holiness Beparwah Ji asked the well being of all the devotees and said, ‘Mulkh Maahi daa vasse, koi rove te koi hasse; Anandpura rove te Mastpura Hasse’; which meant that today the devotees in Mastpura Dham are happy after having the holy vision of His Holiness Beparwah Ji and in Gadrana, Dera Anandpura Dham is being demolished so the devotees in the village are in despair.

His Holiness Beparwah Ji showered His grace on the devotees in Shri Jalalaana Sahib and gave them the blessed eatable with His pious hands.
After that He told, “Sardar Harbans Singh! Go to Gadrana now and bring all the material of demolished Dera here.” After getting the order from His loving Guide, His Holiness immediately left for Gadrana with His tractor trolley and some camel carts.

At that time in the night, 7-8 volunteers were there with His Holiness Beparwah Ji. The same night at about 12 o’clock, His Holiness Beparwah Ji ordered His volunteers to demolish the Dera in Chormar and bring all the material to Mastpura Dham. So, as per the order given by His Holiness Sai Ji, the volunteers went to Chormar and demolished the Dera in the night and brought all the material except the bricks to Mastpura Dham.

Afterwards, as per the order given by His Holiness Beparwah Ji, the volunteers made a platform in Chormar with those bricks and installed the flag there. The material from Dera in Gadrana was still being brought. The Param Pita Ji stayed there till the entire material was brought from Gadrana. His Holiness Himself was getting the material loaded in carts.

Here His Holiness Sai Ji called the volunteers from Ghukyanwali Dera and get the material of both the deras sent to Ghukyanwali. After that, His Holiness Beparwah Ji ordered Param Pita Ji to make a list of all the volunteers giving their services in Mastpura Dham and hand it over to Beparwah Ji. All these volunteers were to be given the token of love.

After receiving the orders, Param Pita Ji assembled the entire devotees and discussed with them that what they should seek from the Spiritual Guide. The entire devotees were unanimous as per Your opinion.
After that, the Param Pita Ji along with everyone else went to His Holiness Beparwah. The Param Pita Ji pleaded before His Holiness Beparwah Ji, “Sai Ji! We need Your love.” On listening this, His Holiness Sai Mastana Ji became happy and said, “Wow! See the love of Shri Jalalaana Sahib, no one has ever asked for such thing.” Beparwah Ji added further, “Whoever has served in this hermitage, His services are accepted in the Eternal Abode.” It is worth telling that the Param Pita Ji used to obey every order of His Guide Beparwah Sai MastanaJi whole heartedly.

His Holiness pleased Beparwah Ji by virtue of His noble qualities. That is why Beparwah Ji charged the name of ‘Mastpura Dham’ to ‘Mauj Mastpura Dham’, which means “Here God-Himself got intoxicated.” After living at Jalalaana Sahib for 18 days, when His Holiness Beparwah Ji was leaving for Sirsa Dera, Beparwah Ji called the Param Pita Ji and said, “Sardar Harbans Singh! I have tested You but You were not aware of that.

” After that His Holiness Beparwah Ji ordered the Param Pita Ji to demolish His house and bring all the material to Dera Sacha Sauda, Sirsa. On getting the pious command from His Spiritual Guide, the Param Pita Ji went and demolished His mansion like house with His own hands and loaded all the things of His house and debris of the demolished house, each brick, even a small gravel in trucks and tractor-trolleys and brought & kept in the courtyard of the Dera. In the night, His Holiness Beparwah Mastana Ji came out of the Teravas and on seeing a large pile of material in the courtyard, asked, “whose material is this and why is it kept here? The government is already after me.

If anyone asks Me that You have looted whose house, what will I say?” The volunteers present there said, “Sai Ji, all this stuff belongs to Sardar Harbans Singh Ji of Shri Jalalaana Sahib (Rev. Param Pita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj).” On hearing this, Beparwah Sai Ji sternly gave the order, “The owner of this stuff should keep this stuff outside the Dera or keep it in the city and should look after His stuff Himself.

” On getting the order from His Holiness Beparwah Ji, the volunteers brought all the material outside the Dera and kept it on the corner of unpaved road. As per instructions given by His Spiritual Guide, the Param Pita Ji Himself guarded His stuff. It was winter season & was bitterly cold and it was continuously drizzling and also very cold breeze was blowing. The Param Pita Ji was not bothered by all these things because the order given by His Guide was most important for Him. Next day one more rigorous test was waiting for Him.

His Holiness Beparwah Ji called the Param Pita Ji and all His relatives & royal family. His Holiness Beparwah Ji asked each member about the stuff, “Whose stuff is this?’ The whole family was unanimous. Everyone said politely, “Sai Ji! This stuff belongs to You.” It was Sunday. That was the day for the spiritual congregation.
His Holiness Rev. Mastana Ji Maharaj got all the stuff including motor cycle distributed by the Param Pit Ji among the devotees.

Made Him Satnam, God-Himself:-

After distributing all the stuff among the devotees, His Holiness Beparwah Ji asked the religious priest (attendent reader) to read the Holy book, in which it was written that Shri Krishna says while addressing the gopis that ‘you have broken the iron like unbreakable bond and extended love of hightest degree to Me and in exchange the “nectar of God’s name’ given by Me is very less, so I apologize for this, please forgive Me.

” After this His Holiness Beparwah Ji said, “Like those gopis, Sardar Harbans singh Ji has immensely sacrificed in the name of His Spiritual Guide and in return the ‘nectar of God’s name’ given by Me is very less. So I ask for Your forgiveness.” After that His Holiness Sai Ji told , ‘Sardar Harbans Singh! I give You the truth, ‘Satnam’ in exchange of Your sacrifice.’ His Holiness Beparwah Sai Ji said in the presence of all devotees, ‘I have made Sardar Satnam Singh the Spiritual Guide & God Himself.

God has determined lots of tasks for Him.” After this, His Holiness Sai Mastana Ji got constructed a beautiful three-storeyed building in Dera Sacha Sauda under His direction in which all the stuff, bricks, girder, wood etc used was from His own mansion.

Gifted Gufa (Tera-waas) cannot move, cannot be moved’:-

On 28 February 1960, when the divine procession came back, His Holiness Beparwah MastanaJi told about the Tera-waas specially constructed with the material, bricks, girder etc. of the Param Pita Ji, ‘This round Tera Waas is constructed on the order of the Spiritual Guide. This Tera-waas is given as a reward to Sardar Satnam Singh Ji.’

His Holiness Beparwah Ji said while clarifying again ‘Earlier the name of Sardar Satnam Singh Ji was Sardar Harbans Singh Ji. This Divine Power is a resident of Shri Jalalaana Sahib village of district Sirsa. For acquiring God’word, He demolished His own house and tolerated the criticism of the world. Hence He has received this Tera-waas as a reward.

Not everyone is worthy of living or finding a place here. Anyone who gets the order from the Spiritual Guide, gets a place here.’ After that His Holiness Beparwah Mastana Ji Maharaj Himself got the Param Pita Ji seated in Tera-waas and said ‘just like the artisans have put three locks for the robustness of the Tera- waas, I have also put three locks in Sardar Satnam Singh Ji. Let the rain come, gale come, storm come, tempest come neither will He move and nor anyone will be able to move Him.

” This way His Holiness Beparwah Mastana Ji Maharaj made the Param Pita Ji sit with Him on the stage from that day. ‘The saint’s word will not change even if the whole universe goes upside down.

’ Ceremony for Installation as a Spiritual Guide:- 28 February 1960:-

As per the orders of His Holiness Beparwah Mastana Ji Maharaj, the royal stage was specially decorated in the hermitage. After that His Holiness Beparwah Ji ordered the volunteers “Bring Sardar Satnam Singh Ji from the Tera-waas.” After getting the orders, two volunteers went towards the Tera-waas to call the Param Pita Ji. His Holiness Sai Ji stopped them and said, ‘Not like this brother, ten volunteers go together and bring Sardar Satnam Singh Ji on the stage with full respect and honour.’ The congregation pavilion was filled with devotees.
All the devotees were eagerly looking towards the stage.

With lots of affection, His Holiness Beparwah Ji made the Param Pita Ji sit on the stage with Him. After that His Holiness Beparwah Ji garlanded the Param Pita Ji with garland of notes and addressed the devotees . “The world has died while chanting the Satnam, has anyone seen Him.

Tell Me!” There was silence in the whole pavilion. No one could say anything. His Holiness Beparwah Ji passionately said further, “The world died while chanting Satnam but couldn’t find that Satnam. He (pointing towards Param Pita Ji) is that ‘Satnam’ with whose support this universe is standing. I have brought Him as per order of Sawan Shah Sai Ji after the approval of God Almighty and placed Him before you.

” His Holiness Beparwah Sai Ji further stated, ‘If anyone comes from His brotherhood or any relative asks, ” Mastana has broken and demolished Your house, so what did You get ? Then You can show them this round Tera Waas. This round Tera-waas is made of bricks but the real round Tera-waas (pointing between His two eyes) has been given to Him (the Param Pita Ji) and even these three worlds are not equal to His one hair”.

This way His Holiness Beparwah Ji completed the pious Ceremony of Installation as the Spiritual Guide with full dignity. His Holiness Beparwah Ji entrusted all the rights and responsibilities of Dera Sacha Sauda to the Param Pita Ji and endued His divine form to Him and made Him ‘God-Himself”. This is a unique instance before the whole world.

It is also worth mentioning that after that day His Holiness Beparwah Mastana Ji never went to the Tera-waas gifted to the Param Pita Ji and lived in a separate room in the hermitage.

Warned the Devotees 

After this, His Holiness Beparwah Mastana Ji Maharaj clearly stated to the devotees “‘ No order of this body is to be averted . This is written with fear, that hundreds of people want to be enthroned as the Spiritual Guide. All are warned to be vigilant and carefuly.
Everyone should follow the order of His Spiritual Guide scrupulously otherwise he is likely to be punished & destined to hell.

One may believe it or not.” His Holiness Beparwah Ji wanted that these thoughts should be published in newspapers but on the affectionate request of the devotees He ordered to write His thoughts on walls and get them printed on handouts and distribute them among the devotees and the divine orders were followed as it is. His Holiness Beparwah Ji stated about His Successor second Spiritual Master Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj in the congregation, “On the order of My Spiritual Guide Sawan Shah Sai Ji I have converted Sardar Satnam Singh Ji from “individual self to Divine Spirit’ and made Him The Spiritual Guide.

Whoever follows His orders will get blessings and the one who will not follow His orders will go to hell.” His Holiness Beparwah Ji warned devotees in stern voice, “Even if anyone gives you gold utensils, gold bricks, make golden bed you will not follow him.

You have to listen to Sardar Satnam Singh Ji and follow Him. Sardar Satnam Singh Ji is My own form. You should respect and follow Him more than you respected and followed Me. The one who will follow His orders will get the happiness of both the worlds.

Proclaimed and Renowned all over the World:

On the royal stage, Rev. Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj installed Rev. Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan as the Spiritual Guide of Dera Sacha Sauda by bestowing Him with His form. The Param Pita Ji used to sit on the stage with Rev. Saint Dr. MSG for almost one and a half year and left no doubt in the minds of people.

After appearance of both the Spiritual Master in visible form for a long period,the Param Pita Ji converted Himself completely into the young form of Revered Saint Dr.MSG by merging with the Divine Light on 13 December 1991.

Shah Satnam Ji Maharaja is Himself present in the form of the third Spiritual Guide. Today the trumpet of righteousness, honesty of Dera Sacha Sauda and God’s Word is blowing in the entire world. Under the holy guidance of Rev. Saint Dr. MSG, Dera Sacha Sauda is doing its human welfare activities everywhere in the world. Rev. Saint Dr. MSG is engaged round the clock in the work of bringing a positive change in the society.

Due to tireless efforts of Rev. Guru Ji, today more than five crore people in the world have left social evils like corruption, prostitution, alcohol etc and have devoted themselves to the name of God Almighty. Fresh breeze of love is blowing in every house.

Millions of followers come here daily for the holy vision of Reverent Guru Ji. Such sight of divine happiness cannot be seen anywhere other than Dera Sacha Sauda.

As per the promise given to His Spiritual Master, Rev. Saint Dr. MSG is making all the efforts round the clock for the welfare of humanity and society. Dera Sacha Sauda is spreading its divine qualities in the whole world.

It is a heartfelt wish that everyone should embrace these joys and make his life properous.


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