The Need Of Spirituality

The Need Of Spirituality

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In today’s fast paced word,

life is full of competition, each and every one of us wants to surge ahead of the others and succeed in their respective fields. The work and the personal life is rushed and marked together. Today the latest information streams you faster than any other time in human history.  Thanks to the advancement in the modern technology, pace of life is getting faster and hectic year after year.

The things and information

is readily available today at the click of a mouse or a smartphone key pad, it is leading to  inactive lifestyle. Involving lot of sitting and lying down with very little or no exercise.

Leading an inactive lifestyle

is the major cause of morbidity and mortality, associated with greater stress causing metabolic disorders, with increased risk of the cardiovascular disorders, diabetes and obesity, increased risk of colon cancer, high blood pressure, osteoporosis,  depression and anxiety to name a few. Sedentary life style or inactivity can lead to osteoporosis, dementia, and depression or anxiety.

Today’s younger generation

munches more on junk food, high in calories from sugar or fat, high on sodium with little dietary fibre, protein, vitamins, minerals beside other important nutritive values. It increases excess fat in the body, carbohydrates and excess sugar may lead to obesity and other lifestyle disorders.

Presently the world is in a face off mode

with the deadly Covid 19 virus, we all know that the pandemic has no cure or the actual treatment. It has affected the people from the all class of the society and has altered our socio habitual behaviour, even people from the affluent class were seen running from pillar to post in search of oxygen cylinders for their near and dear ones. The pandemic also affected the people socially, mentally, spiritually, also religiously.

During the pandemic

it was visible that there was increase in prayers, worship, fasting activities, there was a striking change from the group activities to personal prayers with the shutting down of the places of worship. So when the lockdown was lifted, people started visiting various places of worship in large numbers in order to pay their regards and respects to intensify their faiths by proving their endurance to the Almighty or for the repentance for the sins.

Spirituality and illness construct a mutual bridge

of interest and its prospects to manage or cure ailments. It has a positive correlation to resilience in coping up with the disasters. Resilience is a protective factor in the mental illness, people with positive approach were found to have fewer symptoms of anxiety and stress during the pandemic. Hence there is a strong connection between the spirituality and resilience and their impact on healing.

Spirituality has a broader perspective than religious faith and is a dynamic connection to oneself, nature and God. It is associated with better tolerance to psychological or physical stress, aging and better ability to cope with serious ailments so religion and spirituality are important for everyday aspects of life. Inclination to spirituality has helped many IT professionals and healthcare workers in coping with the occupational stress and burnout syndrome. It gives peace of mind, sense of well-being, increases sense of purpose and meaning of life and manage anxiety associated with chronic diseases.

Today people have become judgemental

on others, harbour grudge, and criticize others be it in the office setup or in the family: after taking up spirituality they are able to cultivate compassion and understanding for  each other. The well-known principle of Karma (spiritual destiny) includes the awareness that the human domain offers the maximum opportunity to acquire good merit and to undo negative debts as Buddha proclaimed.

Spirituality enables us to surrender

our well-being and self-worth to something other than another person thereby helping us to rise above our fears and build self-esteem. A spiritual person experiences harmony, understanding and peace both work or at home. It is a process of connecting to the core without giving up your own self. It helps uplift our senses and understand the aspects of life, help to mend the broken relationships be it with the friends or family members. It help us analyse what we really want, whatever the hidden emotions are, it helps us reach the deepest of heart, analysing the partner needs rather than disagreement. It clears the negative thoughts and aura by releasing tension, stress and frustration. It also helps in letting off the blame game by accepting the mistakes, let go forgive and forget them.

Some students,

when they go for the higher studies, can experience some mental difficulties, related to their inability to leave their family, feeling of loneliness, and difficulty to create new relationships in a new environment. The ability to adjust in a new environment solely depends on their emotional maturity. The students often develop dysfunctional ways of managing these, which affects their self-image and can face depression and anxiety.

Spirituality works on the distinct dimension of the individuals, and is associated with the positive personality parameters. Foresight and conscientiousness, extroversion and receptivity to new experiences are various factors related to spirituality. It provides the emotional balance, reduces fear and negativity and provides peace of mind. It provide meaning to one’s life and eliminates hopelessness by improving the quality of life. It acts as an inhibitor of depression, since depression is associated with the loss of meaning in life and hope.

To conclude, in the context of our daily life, the need of spirituality has risen, as the key concerns in today’s life are anxiety, crisis of interpersonal relationships, job insecurity, uncertainty and attempt to redefine the self. Spirituality is crucial in acquisition of well-being, happiness and meaning in life. The emotional intelligence and spirituality are essential parameters that influence the level of mental health and overall quality of life. It is crucial to promote it due to the significant benefits in the course of our lives and the community as a whole.


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