History of Tea and Coffee -sachi shiksha

History of Tea and Coffee

Introduction: For decades, coffee and tea have coexisted as closest buddies on every table. Coffee and tea, like peanut butter and jelly have a special bond and common heritage in innumerable cafes and dwellings worldwide. Almost always, where one appears to be going, other one continues to follow.

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Discovery of Tea:

According to mythology, Emperor Nun Shen discovered tea over 4,000 years ago in China. While touring the outskirts of his domain, he and his servants stopped to heat up some water over a smoke. The foremost peels of a surrounding tea tree were blown into the bowl by a cold wind, going to release an alluring aroma. The Monarch was enchanted by the refreshing beverage.

Tea As China`s National Beverage:

Tea became prevalent throughout Chinese and Japanese cultural context. The first tea book, ‘Cha’a Ching,’ was published in the eighth century by China. This ultimate guide characterized tea crop production and prepping. Tea quickly became China’s popular beverage. Tea did not become widely popular until the Tang Dynasty reigned from 600 to 900 A.D. During this time, the concept of the ceremonies was also put in place. Tea had become so important in Chinese cultural context that the Tang rulers proclaimed it China’s national beverage.

Cultural Assimilation of Tea:

The Buddhist monk Lu Yu is responsible for much of tea’s cultural assimilation. He started researching the usage and therapeutic properties of tea. He also developed appropriate brewing and consumption methodologies. As a spiritual guide, he linked the beverage to Buddhist religious notion and incorporated it into divine commemorations. It was employed to advertise Buddhist ideologies such as harmonious relationship, spiritual practices, and deep thought.

As an Internationally Traded Item:

The Japanese Tea Ceremony enhanced tea to the status of an artistic expression in Japan. Because of its slightly earlier use in spiritual practice, it is also attributed with Zen Buddhism. Dutch traders presented tea to Europe during the 16th century. When the East India Company was founded in England, tea had become an internationally traded item. This prevalent drink quickly became an English establishment. Tea is still one of the world’s most consumed beverages. Presently, all types of tea (green, black, and so on) are derived from a single Camellia Sinesis plant.

As a Sign Of Affluence:

Regardless of countless variants of the legend, tea’s prominence began in the fourth century. The Chinese gave up alcohol for medicinal purposes and began drinking it for gratification. It quickly became a popular drink for individuals of all socioeconomic backgrounds. From around 8th century, tea plantations dotted the nation, and tea sellers were among the wealthiest in the land. Sipping refined, graceful tea was considered a sign of affluence.

Flavours & Variations of Tea:

The tea industry has boomed with flavours and variations in the modern world. Tea is no longer limited to variants of the tea plant. Tea infusions made from roots, herbs, spices, and petals are available for everyone, with products ranging from flavored teas to Ayurvedic infusions. This well-known beverage is now a staple in both traditional medicine and modern social interactions. Tea is consumed in the United Kingdom as part of political and civic activities. It is a mainstay of everyday life and is common with everyone, including the royal household. Scientific studies continue to demonstrate the wellness benefits of regular tea consumption.

History of Coffee

Coffee grown throughout the world can be traced back centuries to primitive coffee forests on the Ethiopian highlands. As per a legend  the goat herder Kaldi found the prospects of these adored beans somewhere. Kaldi discovered coffee after noticing that his goats became so energized after eating berries from a specific tree that they refused to sleep at night. Kaldi revealed his research results to the local monastery’s abbot, who created a drink from the berries and discovered that it retained him awake during the long working hours. The abbot informed the other monks at the monastery about his exploration, and word of the energizing berries expanded.

Coffee in the Arabian Peninsula:

As details emerged east and coffee reached the Arabian Peninsula, it undertook a journey that would take these beans all the way around the world. The Arabian Peninsula was the birthplace of growing coffee and trade. Coffee was cultivated in Yemeni Arabia by the 15th century, and by the 16th century, it was known in Persia, Egypt, Syria, and Turkey. European visitors to the Mid East returned with tales of an unexpected dark black beverage. By 17th century some viewed this new beverage with speculation or fear, subtitling it the “bitter discovery of Sin.”

First Real Coffeehouse:

After the War of Vienna, the first real coffeehouse in Austria inaugurated in Vienna in 1683. It drew materials from bags of coffee beans acquired as spoils after the defeat of the Turks. The British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company imported coffee into England in the 16th century. Coffee shops first appeared in England around that time, and by 1675, there were over 3,000 of them. Coffee began to supplant the popular breakfast beverages of the moment. Those who drank coffee rather than alcohol started the day energetically and the performance of their task was improved significantly.

A Few Coffee Findings-

  1. Every day, over 2.25 billion cups of coffee are devoured around the globe.
  2. Brazil is the world’s leading producer of coffee. There, nearly one-third of the world’s coffee is generated.
  3. Coffee is the world’s greatest global commodity. The first is crude oil.
  4. Coffee has been linked to a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and Parkinson’s disease.

Most Profitable Export Commodity of 18th Century:

Coffee seeds were carried to new territories by preachers and travelers, exporters and colonists, and were planted all over the world. Plantations were set up in beautiful tropical forests as well as mountainous hills. . Coffee markets worked to build new nations. Successes have been created and lost. Coffee had become one of the most profitable export commodities by the end of the 18th century.


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