Enjoy Your Holidays

Introduction : May & June means holiday season. This season has been kept for holidays only to protect the students from the scorching heat. During these days, many children enjoy traveling and having fun. Some children decide long in advance to visit their grandparents or their favorite close relatives.

An Opportunity to Enjoy

For the city children, these holidays provide an opportunity to play in the villages’ gardens, taste raw mangoes, enjoy the clean climate and ‘desi’ food, and learn about the culture and traditions of their village. At the same time, the children of the villages get the opportunity to roam around in the city, to see the busy and hectic life there, to eat the pizza, burger and chow mein there, to taste the idli, dosa or ice cream. Many children spend their vacation time playing video games, ludo, carrom, playing cards etc.

What Should Teenagers do?

It is okay, after all holidays are for having fun, playing, jumping and enjoying. But the time of 40-50 days is too much for all these tasks. From 10-11 o’clock onwards, children remain confined to their homes due to the scorching heat of the sun. This time is completely unsuitable for outdoor games. But indoor games like badminton, table tennis etc. are not for everyone. Even a little physical effort leads to sweat flowing from head to toe and getting tired quickly in the heat. Therefore, these games do not suit to some children. What should teenage children do in such a situation?

Groom the Natural Interest of Children

The dangerous heat wave that prevails at this time is also no less deadly. Now the question arises as to what should parents do in such a situation so that their children remain safe and also enjoy the holidays. It is the duty of every parent to know the talent hidden within their child and also take care of his/her interests. It is not necessary that every child is just a scholar. Every child has a natural talent. If their interests and talents can be honed a little during the supposedly free time of holidays, then there may be a player, an artist or an engineer or an actor hidden within these children. In today’s era of heavy competition, neither the teachers nor the students have time to groom and hone these talents during the academic session.

Major Interests

During these holidays, there is a special opportunity for the teenage students to tell their parents about their interests well in advance and double the fun of the holidays by taking training to fulfill their interests from any good institute nearby. Some of the interests are pot painting, fabric painting, poster painting, collage making, drafting, making rangoli, learning dance, embroidery, weaving, learning tailoring, taking embroidery training, learning patchwork, making things with shells or other artificial items and so on.

Making various pictures and objects with natural resources, learning how to make and decorate dolls, learning how to make bouquets etc., many such activities are very useful for girls. If boys also learn these activities, it will help them become good businessmen in times to come. Not only this, during this time it is a golden opportunity to join coaching for swimming training, cricket, hockey or other sports. Apart from computer, typing, playing musical instruments, singing, the foundation stone of the future building can be laid with the help of a good coaching institute.

Miscellaneous Interests

Since most of your classmates are free during holidays, you can also enjoy picnics, tours, photography, collection, and group discussions etc. with them. These days, almost every city has some well-known institutions that organize drama training camps etc. for children and well-known experts are also invited to these camps. Hence, you should take full advantage of these camps.

So far, you must have understood that the fun of holidays can be further increased by learning some useful things and fulfilling your interests.


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